New Here :)

HeyBulldog2011 Posts: 25 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. I am Ashley. I am a senior in high school and I have had enough with struggling with weight...

Right now I am around 245 lbs. and my goal would be to get down to 150 lbs. So clearly I have a long way to 150 is actually at the top level of my ideal weight for my height according to the BMI scale.

At the end of May I am going on a graduation trip with my family to Scotland and possibly London, England. I would love to have a lot of weight off by then. What do you think is a reasonable goal to attain by then?

Also I would be very grateful to anyone who has tips and tricks that they want to share with me about eating healthy, exercise tips for throughout the day and for the gym, and anything else that goes with a healthy lifestyle!!!
I can't wait to finish this journey so I better get started :)
If anyone is interested in doing a buddy system check in thing add me as a contact :D


  • You can easily be down 30 pounds without any problems by the end of May. If you use this application religiously, you can hit your goal weight within a year. And when you hit your goal weight, don't stop using the program. Just put it in maintenance mode, and maintain. People seem to want to lose weight as fast as possible, and those people always seem to gain it back even faster. Fitness is a lifelong struggle, and if you use this program you can meet your weight-loss goals and maintain that weight until you're old and gray.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    Hey Ashley :) You and i are around the same age, so we could totally be a support system to keep on track.
    I'd just say focus on losing 1 pound a week, just so if you plateau, you won't get disappointed and fall off track. Slowly cut things out like Pop, Chips, Candy, Chocolate and find a love for veggies and fruit. They'll be your best friend! haha.
    I'd also say try and exercise as much as you can, track your meals and keep a positive attitude and you can easily lose 30 pounds by the end of may :)

    Add me as a friend if you like, i think i'd be cool :) (I'm new here too)

    Have fun!
  • HeyBulldog2011
    HeyBulldog2011 Posts: 25 Member
    Great! Absoultely, I actually love exercising and eating healthy it is just doing it all the time lol ;) but I am sure this will help and especially once I put the app on my IPhone!
    Thanks for the advice :D
  • Hello! I am also new here and think that it is great that you are taking the necessary steps to improve your health. It is better to get started in the early years in life but it is never too late to tackle this task (coming from a 34 year old lady :blushing: ). I personally would suggest that you visit your phsycian to get a complete physical as soon as possible. Your doctor will be able to measure your health to give you great feedback and recommend some tools and other support organizations for you! I went to the doctor today and told her what I wanted to accomplish and how I could benefit from her support. I have tried all types of things in the past but know that I cannot do this alone. Which is good because we shouldn't have to do this task alone, right?! Well, I wish you the best of luck and please let me know how things go after your doctors visit!

    P.S. ~ I think that there may even be an opportunity for you to see the health coach at school! They are great too and can give you some positions in after hours sports at the school without having to be on the team. That can help to increase your activity too.
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