Unsafe Advice

anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
I have been on this site since Sept 2010 and I have read many posts and the comments that are made and my biggest gripe is some people are dishing out unsafe advice. This site is for health and wellness and should NOT be used as a tool to encourage some people on here whom I believe have eating disorders. I have read posts by people asking if its safe to skip meals and I am shocked by the amount of people who reply saying that its ok, they do it all the time and so on. It is NOT safe to skip meals and any doctor will tell you that. I have also read posts where people have medical concerns, such as they feel like they will pass out during exercise or they have panic attacks while working out and again, some comment that its no big deal because it happens to them . Unless you have a medical degree and have personally examined the person who posted the question, then please don't say its no big deal. I have posted relpies to people's concerns as well and when its a medical related issue I always state they should see a doctor. Many people on here rely on the information they see on this site and while there have been many great replies from users who do know a thing or two about fitness, there have been just as many, if not more, replies from people that are advocating unsafe practices. If you want to be unsafe that's your choice but don't encourage someone else to be .

sorry for the rant but I am concerned, especially since I see many young, female users on here who are doing extreme diet measures to lose weight. Since I was once that young girl who starved herself to be thin, I needed to speak out!

wishing everyone good health!


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    *sigh* so true. I have seen a few threads that were like train wrecks. So it goes on the interwebs.
  • gryfin
    gryfin Posts: 10 Member
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    I would have to agree with you. This site is a massive help for those who need to lose weight. Unfortunately, you cannot moderate everything and there will be some that go on here for the wrong reasons... e.g. people with anorexics will use this site as well to track how little calories they consume as well as track the amount of calories their exercise will give them...

    People should use their brains though and if something is really bothering them, by all means ask questions but make sure the answers you receive are backed up with scientific research... and definitely see your health care professional.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I SO agree with you. Unless the person giving the advice of "don't worry if you pass out" has an MD after their name, they should not give advice when it comes to the health of other members.These are medical problems & need to be told to a doctor, not someone on MFP.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    Disclaimer, right there at the bottom:
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    we give the best advice we can. We aren't doctors. If they wanted a professional opinion, they would go see a doctor, not ask us.
  • camo645
    Disclaimer, right there at the bottom:
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    we give the best advice we can. We aren't doctors. If they wanted a professional opinion, they would go see a doctor, not ask us.

    Totally agree with you on this one! if these people were really worried about there symptoms they would go and see a doctor about it. i think in general people come here and are just asking for advice. my mums not a doctor but she sure has a go at diagnosing all of my ailments ;) its just one of those things that happens, people are just trying to help and give ideas of what it MIGHT be.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    Disclaimer, right there at the bottom:
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    we give the best advice we can. We aren't doctors. If they wanted a professional opinion, they would go see a doctor, not ask us.

    I agree with the disclaimer as well and I agree some are just looking for neutral advice without seeing a doctor. The basis for my topic was my frustration about a couple posts I read these past few days that were of a serious nature, Unfortunately not everyone uses proper discretion when using information they see on this site, even though they should. Thanks for the reply and I hope people really do use caution when they read the adivce they see.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Disclaimer, right there at the bottom:
    Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy.

    we give the best advice we can. We aren't doctors. If they wanted a professional opinion, they would go see a doctor, not ask us.

    Totally agree with you on this one! if these people were really worried about there symptoms they would go and see a doctor about it. i think in general people come here and are just asking for advice. my mums not a doctor but she sure has a go at diagnosing all of my ailments ;) its just one of those things that happens, people are just trying to help and give ideas of what it MIGHT be.

    I think a lot of people are actually worried about things like feeling faint or sick during workouts, etc. That's why they ask if it's a serious problem.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,281 Member
    Do I love MFP -yes. Do I agree with you -yes. I have worried a few times about people not eating enough but occasionally you will see people ask if they are sure they are eating enough. If I see a diary that is really low I will say take care instead of Way to Go. I really worry when I see younger members not getting enough nutrition.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    Unfortunately, some people can't afford doctors, and disclaimers often get ignored. A lot of bad behavior gets encouraged by well-meaning, but sadly uneducated folks.

    I get really frustrated when I see things that are obviously quite unsafe get congratulated. For example, a friend was under her calorie goal, but when I looked at her diary, she had eaten 550 calories (not net calories--550 calories eaten). Of course all most people saw was "xxxx was under her calorie goal for today!" and they posted various messages of congratulations. That is definitely sending the wrong message and encouraging very unhealthy behavior!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Unfortunately, some people can't afford doctors, and disclaimers often get ignored. A lot of bad behavior gets encouraged by well-meaning, but sadly uneducated folks.

    I get really frustrated when I see things that are obviously quite unsafe get congratulated. For example, a friend was under her calorie goal, but when I looked at her diary, she had eaten 550 calories (not net calories--550 calories eaten). Of course all most people saw was "xxxx was under her calorie goal for today!" and they posted various messages of congratulations. That is definitely sending the wrong message and encouraging very unhealthy behavior!

    Yes! That drives me crazy! I always look at food diaries and will say something if someone isn't eating enough, especially if that's their norm. Most of the time people get defensive and say they won't force themselves to eat if they're not hungry. It's very frustrating to me that the MFP community encourages under eating.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    skipping meal when your 100 overweight won"t last and when your 100 pounds over weight you are going to get sick when you exercise you have way to much food in your system that your body dose not need for energy i was thinking the same thing llke you but most of these girls don"t suffer from not eating they suffer from overeating they cant stop. i like to here all peoples input but unlike you i thing more people try to get out of exercising and not going with out any of theri meals anorexics you could say that was me in my twentys i just plain would not have use this site i could not have been able to stand looking at 50 cal let alone 1000
  • MyBeautyIsSkinDeep
    WELL SAID!!!! I only been up here a few weeks !! PLEASE IF YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS WHILE WORKING OUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEEK THE HELP FROM A REAL DOCTOR!!!!! I work in the medical field...You are suppose to eat 3 meals a day and @least 2 snackes !!! you got to feed the body and work out to lose the weight !!!!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Exactly. There's a person on here who, due to his own health issues, has a VERY different diet than would be considered healthy for most people. For him, it's the healthiest plan, and he does it. But I've noticed that he does NOT go around spouting to everyone that they should follow his plan. He knows that it's individualized for his own health concerns, and would not be great for the majority of people. That's the kind of person I can respect. But so many people on here just jump in with, "Oh yeah, this is what I do, you should do it too!" without even considering that the person they're talking to probably has very different needs. They'll tell a person that it's ok to strive to lose 10 lbs in a week, when the person they're talking to only has about 15 lbs total to lose. Just because it's safe for some people doesn't mean it's going to be safe for this person.

    Yes, there's a disclaimer at the bottom of the page. And yes, people are always going to diagnose and spout advice when they have no real knowledge. But at the end of the day, I think people need to take more responsibility for their words. Real people read this "advice," and sometimes it's just flat-out dangerous.