New to My Fitness Pal

SugaRoyale Posts: 2 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all!

I am brand spanking new to this site and I'm pretty excited! I was debating on which weight loss program to join when suddenly a

weight loss fairy appeared to me and said "Don't pay for weight loss membership. Join My Fitness Pal for free." Free? Could it be

that such a thing exists? As a college student working at a 2nd rate job i can definitely appreciate free. So here I am ready to blast

these pounds away (and not half my check on membership fees).


  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    That was a great decision to make! I have been on here since January and have found it very helpful and inspirational!!!!!!! Some many individuals with so much advice to give!! Welcome!!
  • TopKat
    TopKat Posts: 13 Member
    Hello and welcome I've been here since January
    more for the tracking than the boards either way you'll get great benefits
    Fell off the wagon the pass 2 weeks but back again
  • SugaRoyale
    SugaRoyale Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies for the encouragement!! I'm hoping that being connected to a community may keep me motivated to stay on track :smile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    i agree, mfp is great and is free! i was stuck for ages doing other diets but this works for me! and since joining 3 weeks ago ive lost 7lbs! so im sticking around! good luck on your journey. feel free to add me :)
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