Stress eater...who knew I was one of them

I have been doing great, a few cheat days here and there, until this weekend.
I found out my grandmother was dying and possibly wasnt going to make it through the night. She held on but it's now just a matter of time and the waiting is killing me. I just want to eat, I don't want to exercise ( though I have been). Lots of running back and forth between my parents and the hospital, now the nursing home. She has been put in hospice care and has alzymers so lives in a home. Family from all over are visiting so have to keep a clean house...but it's the waiting.
What do you all do in times of stress. Need support.


  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    I face similar stress eating (normally work), its easier said than done but you need to eat better now more than ever as you need the right fuel as you and your family go through this challenge. The last thing you need is to get sick from bad food, compounding the already difficult time you face............. keep your chin up, I know it can't be easy for you.
  • dawnslaughter
    i comfort eat! always have thats how i ended up 17and a half stone, i had a stressful traumatic few years and ballooned. just make sure that you dont have rubbish in the house so that when you do eat it is healthy stuff like strawberries and grapes etc or whatever healthy stuff you like..

    sorry about your grandma :-(
  • carmen62
    Say to yourself that you must look after yourself to look after others. It may be too hard right now to be strict on yourself, relax a little, but try not to give yourself "permission" to throw all your gains out the window. Aim to keep steady and view that as a huge achievement.
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    All great advice. thanks. Now it's time to put it into action.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I just wanted to send you lots of hugs, I went through the same thing wth my grandfather last month, and I found it really difficult not to eat everything in sight. Go easy on yourself and up your calories to maintenace if you need to. Now that the funeral is over with I'm back on track again, and my break didn't do any harm to my weight.
  • Samana06
    Samana06 Posts: 107
    I'm praying for your strength hun, I was in the same situation with my grandfather in August ... he's a stubborn old coot and is still around. And also with my great grandmother over Thanksgiving ... she has recently been kicked out of Hospice because she refuses to die Her words!
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    I don't have much else to add to the great ideas but I just wanted to send you my prayers. I lost my grandfather a few years ago and it's so hard. Be good to yourself and eat healthy, you will get through this.
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    I'm praying for your strength hun, I was in the same situation with my grandfather in August ... he's a stubborn old coot and is still around. And also with my great grandmother over Thanksgiving ... she has recently been kicked out of Hospice because she refuses to die Her words!

    I love that! Got some fight in her yet. Sorry to hear it at the same time though.

    Thank you everybody.