Food or exercise first??

KateHumphrey Posts: 36
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I was eating breakfast then doing my workout, but someone told me to workout then eat, because the workout will burn stored calories instead of what I just ate. Any opinions?


  • I eat and then work out too because if I don't my blood sugar drops and I get shakey. I figure its better to eat and put in a good workout to feel good then feel like crap and do a wimpy workout.
  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    I eat first, so I have energy to work hard.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    isn't really all the same, as far as the calories are concerned?

    You definitely want to eat and then exercise. Your body needs that fuel!!!!! Have a carb/protein balanced meal and then workout.
  • thechiefy
    thechiefy Posts: 5 Member
    Depends, if it's first thing in a morning then maybe fruit and the exercise then breakfast.

    Think of your body as a fuel tank on a car, car's need fuel to run but if you fill the tank up then the car is heavier and therefore less economical!!

  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Yep,me again--this is my computer time...My suggestion would be to eat something small before your workouts (some nuts, a small serving of yogurt, a piece of fruit) to provide energy and then have your meal after your workout. For me, I find that I also eat less that way, I'm just not as hungry.
    I've heard (without scientific verification) that if you have eaten, your body's priority is to digest your food rather than devoting it to any gains possibly gained from working out (although this comes from a body builder).
    The other thing is to notice how your body feels after trying it both ways.
  • From what I've read, you should eat a little before your workout and then eat again after. But if you only eat once, then after is better because then your body will use the food you eat better. If you work out in the morning, eat a small snack before, because your body needs time to digest the food and use it as fuel. If you eat and go right to working out, your friend is right that your body can't really use the food since it needs to digest it first. If you eat after your workout, then good carbs (whole grains, veggies) and protein are important to include.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I have to eat before I do anything, and I mean ANYTHING. I don't even shower before I eat, because I get shaky and weak if I do much before breakfast. It all depends though -- some people do better without eating first, because the exercise upsets their stomachs. I would try it both ways, but on the day you try working out first, keep a close eye on how you're feeling so you don't work yourself harder than what your body can take.

    Just coming back to say what LadyinWaiting just said below me -- it's a myth that you'll burn what you just ate instead of your energy stores. You still have to digest your food before you can burn it off, and exercise won't make you digest any faster. Anyway, the food you just ate will go to the same place as your current energy stores, so it doesn't make a difference. It's not like paying off a credit card, where you can pay off certain balances first to save interest. Calories are calories, and they all burn the same.
  • if you eat before you exercise it doesn't mean that it will burn off the food you just ate. people have believe that for YEARS but they found out that it's just bull****. the only bad thing about eating then exercising is you might feel sick, so wait half an hour after eating then exercise. if you exercis on an empty stomach you will get dizzzy and VERY sick, trust me.

    so always eat first, it won't affect your weightloss at all.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I generally work out in the afternoons or evenings, so I aim to eat half an hour to an hour before exercise. If I eat and then exercise too soon, my body throws up.

    The only time I exercise in the mornings is a 3 mile walk every Tuesday, and I generally aim to eat breakfast about half an hour before I need to leave (I didn't log it as exercise today, since I'm not at work today, so I figure it makes up for that).
  • I go to the gym right from work and a 45 minute commute so I always make sure to eat a piece or fruit, some nuts or even a fruit granola bar if I really feel hungry. I agree there is nothing worse than watching the clock while working out because you can't wait to be able to have a meal! Apples seem to work best for me!
  • diddydaisy
    diddydaisy Posts: 2 Member
    I've been given advice to eat a banana beforehand and then drink a protein shake/chocolate milk afterwards - is this good advice?
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I get up at 5 and do a Jillian Michael's dvd. I don't eat first. I usually don't eat until I get to work a couple hours later. I know everyone will disagree with this but it works for me. I don't feel sick or shaky and I am doing well with my weight loss.
  • There are a number of different schools of thought with regards to whether one should or shouldn't do fasted cardio upon waking.

    I could write a long list of pros and cons with regards to fasted cardio but from past experience I find that doing fasted endurance cardio works for me and, possibly more importantly, I enjoy it.

    I would say that when it comes to any type of cardio the most important things to consider are:

    1: Are you physically and mentally capable of completing the planned cardio?
    2: Do you believe that it will help you to achieve your goals?
    3: Do you enjoy doing it?
    4: Will you be consistent with it?

    If you can answer yes to both questions then go for it!
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