Some exercise ideas need-please help!!

OK so getting to the gym has been next to impossible so I am trying to weigh my options and am between either purchasing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or the P90X (or PX90) set. Either way I am confused-what happens after the 30 or 90 days?? Do you do the set all over or try something new? I am wondering should I get a treadmill or elliptical in conjunction with the DVD's?? OR are the DVDs sufficient? Any direction would TOTALLY be appreciated! THANKS SO MUCH!


  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    The 30 day shred has 3 25 minute workouts that get harder as you go. As three have two levels as well. The idea is that you do each workout for 10 days. At the end of that you can continue to do any of the three on either to easier or harder level or combine it with something else. I am close to starting level 3. I plan on working in some other dvd's when I get through for variety. Thinking of Jillian's 30 day shred with weights. I like it because I don't have a lot of time to workout. I get up at 5 do the workout, maybe add ao or 15 minutes of cardio and I'm done for the day. Good luck!
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    I definitely think a treadmill is worth every dollar spent! I use a treadmill 3 days a week, and a DVD 3 days a week. It keeps me from getting bored. Aside from the P90x, most of the DVDs you can get are $10 or less... I would suggest buying one or two, so that you don't get bored. Obviously, the 30 day shred, is a 30 day program, but I rarely ever do the programs. I just get the workout in and usually the combination of cardio and strength training is a great compliment to the treadmill. Good luck!
  • mmccray100
    Speaking from experience, gym memberships, exercise DVD's, Treadmills, etc., don't work for people who don't LIKE to exercise jut for exercise sake. I enjoy things like walking my dogs, riding a bicycle, bowling, golf, and shooting baskets. So I make a point to walk my dogs, if not every day, at least 4or5 days a week. I bowl several times and golf, weather permitting. One of the best things I've done recently is buy a basketball hoop for my backyard. I shoot baskets, 10 mins at a time, 2 or 3 times a day. Also, Nintento Wii is a great system. Get it with the Fitness Board and you can enjoy the exercises. They ARE a workout.

    Bottom line...unless you are disciplined enough to really hit the gym, watch that DVD every day or put hours on the Treadmill, you will probably be wasting your money. Get creative and plan exercise around things you enjoy doing.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    P90x gives you a variety of workouts. After the 90 days restart and by then you should be able to up your weights. Also, you may want to consider gettin a treadmill or some other type of cardio machine so that you are also gettin in your cardio. I hear that chalean extream is a GREAT series for those who enjoy weight trainin such as myself. However, I am content with goin to the gym. I already own the P90X and the Brazil Butt Lift not to mention bout 5 biggest loser workouts and the set of the taebo bootcamp series. So I think I have enough workouts for awhile.
  • sacfrazier
    I personally have decided to use the treadmill along with JM's 30 day shred. I am only on Day 7 of the 30 day shred, but it is hard. When I do her DVD I use 3 and 5 pound weights. I think that after the 30 days, I'll try one of her other DVD's and/or redo the 30 day shred with heavier weights. I am also working on getting fit using the treadmill. My husband and I bought a treadmill with the ifit technology and started the JM Get Fit program. Between the two of those, I am losing some weight and inches off of my hips and thighs.

    I have read that the P90X is too hard for a lot of beginners, but don't have any experience with it. I have also read that there is a program called Power 90 that is recommended prior to P90X. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  • pawg_1983
    you guys are the BEST!! thanks for all the great advise!