New here

Hi there! I am brand new to this site. I just started my "new way of life" this past Saturday, 2.5.11. I'm very excited and I think I have the mindset that I needed, finally! I would like to lose between 25-30 pounds. I'm working out everyday and watching and logging what I eat. Any help, guidance would be much appreciated! If anyone needs a "buddy" or someone to help cheer them on, I'm here.



  • ScottyLikesCake
    ScottyLikesCake Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, have sent a "friend request" hopefully we can support each other - you sound really motivated!
  • IdleJack
    Hi there! From one newbie to another.... Welcome!
  • amyb3469
    Sounds great! I am motivated, just praying I stay that way! Any support you need, I'm here! So far, I'm doing well. I guess time will tell. I just know I need to be healthy and I want this weight off! Once upon a time I wore a size 4 in jeans, darn it. I want it back. Also, I really do feel better when I exercise, I've noticed that already.
    Hi Jack, thanks!
  • Jamiem2011
    Jamiem2011 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! My loss goal is similar I'm hoping for 35 lbs. Good luck and stick with it:)