what would you eat in a 2400 calorie day diet?

i'm still having trouble figuring out what to eat to keep me full for the whole day, and i'm just wondering what you would eat in an average day with 2400 calories (not including exercise). i find i'm still always hungry, which makes me overeat and go over my limit. any thoughts or ideas would be very appreciated!


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i'm still having trouble figuring out what to eat to keep me full for the whole day, and i'm just wondering what you would eat in an average day with 2400 calories (not including exercise). i find i'm still always hungry, which makes me overeat and go over my limit. any thoughts or ideas would be very appreciated!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    My calories are not that high but I find cottage cheese and fruit to be good ones and whole grain carbs like a tuna sandwhich on whole grain bread or at lunch time some whole wheat pasta with garlic or tomato sauce. drink lots of WATER it will help you feel full and just stay under a few days and your body will adjust and you will not be able to eat a ton anymore I know the fist few days were hard but now on days when I do go over I feel so sick.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    2400 a day? Are you sure that's correct? Seems high....
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i'm 310 pounds, with a goal of 1 pound a week weight loss. i put that into the calulator, and that's what it says.
  • carmenberard
    I hear you, I'm at 2250 a day and am still hungry by bedtime, fruit is great as well as be careful not to overeat at breakfast, it sets you up for a bad day, usually I have a smallish breakfast at 8am and another small meal at 10am....that REALLY helped when I discovered it last week...already almost on target...a work in progress.

    Keep in touch...I'm here for you...people may think 2000+ calories a day is alot but if you're 5"11 and active and big likeI am it's actually not.. ..cheers....:drinker:
  • eer205
    I really like to do 4oz. of thin turkey or chicken lunch meat with a laughing cow light swiss wedge. you roll it up and you have a really great snack, and because there is so much protein, I find it really filling. Thanks Power90! :)
    Also, on days when I know that I am going to want a lot of quantity because I'm hungrier, I like to fill up on veggies. A favorite of mine is 5 cups baby spinach, 1/4-1/2 cup light vanilla yoghurt, 1 serving walnuts, and 1 apple. The yoghurt makes a great "salad dressing," and the apples make it sweet. This way I can get a "sugary" snack, but still get in all that spinach. The walnuts are good for protein, too, which means I stay full longer.
    That aside, I read a magazine once that had an article from a lady that lost a lot of weight and she said of the things she had to realize was that it was okay to go to bed hungry. Now, you shouldn't be starving yourself or be hungry all the time, but I think it is good advice. If at the end of the day you are ready for bed and you know that you have had your calories for the day, just tell yourself, "It is okay to be hungry."
    Other than that, I'd say up the protein (black beans, chicken, tuna, chickpeas, nuts, cheeses, etc.) to keep you full. :) Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    2400 a day? Are you sure that's correct? Seems high....

    I was just going to ask the same thing...that sounds like maintenance calories, not deficit calories to create weight loss.

    But, however many calories you do have, try eating mini-meals throughout the day...I eat ALL day long, never going more than 2 or 3 hours without eating something...keeps my metabolism going, keeps me from getting hungry and consequently overeating, and keeps my body from thinking that it won't ever be fed again, so it's more likely to let go of those extra pounds.

    Today for instance, I slept in, so I didn't have a typical breakfast and lunch. (I will usually have breakfast, a snack, and then lunch, but on the weekends it changes a bit because I sleep in a bit). I had a 4 egg white omelette with Laughing Cow herbed cheese, two Kashi whole grain waffles with syrup, and a "SuperShot" of fruit juice (it's found in the yogurt section of the store and it's a mini bottle of juice that's only 50 calories and has a TON of potassium.)

    Then in the afternoon I had some cottage cheese, baby carrots, light ranch veggie dip, and iced green tea. For dinner we had a "chili mac" recipe that I found in the Calorie Queens book, and a little bit ago I had some Jello Sugar Free Pudding and another iced green tea.

    Most days I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. In fact, in my food diary, I changed the names of my meals to time slots (8-11am, 11-2, 2-5 pm, 5-8 pm, 8-11 pm) It reminds me that I need to plan minimeals throughout the day and it helps me to stay on track. Plus, I rarely get hungry because I never go more than a few hours without eating! Hope this helps a bit!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I'm a firm believer in including daily indulgences just to avoid burnouts.

    That said...I like my meals to be full of veggies when possible to add to that sense of fullness without adding too many calories, so I can afford to have my bottle of frappuchino or whatever else it is.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    maybe a bit more protein,,,
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    i'm 310 pounds, with a goal of 1 pound a week weight loss. i put that into the calulator, and that's what it says.

    Because you have a lot to lose, you could safely go to 2 pounds a week...granted it will cut down your calories significantly, but once you learn what healthier low cal foods you like and get yourself into a routine, you'll find it doable, especially when you add in exercise (I recommend Leslie Sansone walking dvds...awesome!) I am about at your weight afer losing 28 pounds, and I am consistently losing 2 or more pounds per week. Once you get some of the weight down, you may need to go down to 1 pound per week and eventually .5 pound per week...

    Edit: Please read the other posts below as there are some other perspectives on this topic and I may be totally off the mark. Two pounds per week works for me but may not work for everyone, so definitely do what works for you!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    i'm 310 pounds, with a goal of 1 pound a week weight loss. i put that into the calulator, and that's what it says.

    I commend you for going for 1 pound a week! I was aiming for 2 or so but now my doc wants me to slow down to 1 pound a week :grumble: But we'll see how that goes. with the exercise I do, it's hard to eat enough to keep the loss down to 1 pound a week sometimes--especially now that she put me on a diuretic and I'm fiinally losing the fluid weight (4 pounds in 2 days!)

    Try eating lower cal but more filling foods--like spaghetti squash. YOu can eat a TON of that and hardly have calories. Really filling, too. Or Salads, etc. I'm not big on vegis but love my squash! Eat it every day in some form.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I am cracklin in at 1200 cals...not including exercise cals (which I live for)...I would love some of yours:laugh:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I commend you for going for 1 pound a week! I was aiming for 2 or so but now my doc wants me to slow down to 1 pound a week :grumble: But we'll see how that goes.

    Eep looks like I was wrong :ohwell:
  • BBCoachKel72
    BBCoachKel72 Posts: 67 Member
    2400 a day? Are you sure that's correct? Seems high....

    I agree with you 2400 seems high. I have problems getting my 1300 in a day and when I exercise (6 days a week) I have around 1700 to 2000 to eat. When we take trips I get up to 2800 because of our activities we do on vacation. Let me tell you what a challenge that is. :sick:
    All I can say is maybe add some wheat pasta, some kind of protien for dinner and DON'T forget the veggies. Also steel cut oats or regular old fashion oatmeal for breakfast, add some berries or a scrambled egg to your oatmeal. Maybe for a snack some reduced fat peanut butter with low fat gram crackers?
    just few suggestions. I'm probably not a good person to suggest thing though. I'm way to picky hahah! :happy:
    Good luck, Kel~
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Eep looks like I was wrong :ohwell:

    Well, couple things.

    One---1 pound is what most docs will tell you to shoot for, as it is slow and allows your body to adjust. It is also the most likely to allow you to lose weight AND keep it off.

    Two--Diabetic here-and having problems with meds; so am tweaking my meds. She wants me to slow it down so my body has time to adjust and I can make the adjustments needed in my meds without bad things happening--you know, like passing out while cycling or worse.
  • BBCoachKel72
    BBCoachKel72 Posts: 67 Member
    i'm 310 pounds, with a goal of 1 pound a week weight loss. i put that into the calulator, and that's what it says.

    I commend you for going for 1 pound a week! I was aiming for 2 or so but now my doc wants me to slow down to 1 pound a week :grumble: But we'll see how that goes. with the exercise I do, it's hard to eat enough to keep the loss down to 1 pound a week sometimes--especially now that she put me on a diuretic and I'm fiinally losing the fluid weight (4 pounds in 2 days!)

    Try eating lower cal but more filling foods--like spaghetti squash. YOu can eat a TON of that and hardly have calories. Really filling, too. Or Salads, etc. I'm not big on vegis but love my squash! Eat it every day in some form.


    And passing out while cycling...NOT GOOD!!! :sick: :noway:
  • chelsey787

    Most days I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. In fact, in my food diary, I changed the names of my meals to time slots (8-11am, 11-2, 2-5 pm, 5-8 pm, 8-11 pm) It reminds me that I need to plan minimeals throughout the day and it helps me to stay on track. Plus, I rarely get hungry because I never go more than a few hours without eating! Hope this helps a bit!

    what a great idea!!!!

    seriously, though! because i always find in between the time frame of like 2-5 is when i graze on a lot or binge on lots of snack. keeping track of times is such a great way to stay in check!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Eep looks like I was wrong :ohwell:

    Well, couple things.

    One---1 pound is what most docs will tell you to shoot for, as it is slow and allows your body to adjust. It is also the most likely to allow you to lose weight AND keep it off.

    Two--Diabetic here-and having problems with meds; so am tweaking my meds. She wants me to slow it down so my body has time to adjust and I can make the adjustments needed in my meds without bad things happening--you know, like passing out while cycling or worse.

    I spoke to my doctor and she said that 2 pounds was healthy for me...and I'm not doing any exercise that is anywhere near as intense as your superlong cycling trips (I still don't understand how you do it but that is so awesome!)...so I guess 2 pounds per week is okay for me for now, but I know everyone has to go by whatever is best for them.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I spoke to my doctor and she said that 2 pounds was healthy for me...and I'm not doing any exercise that is anywhere near as intense as your superlong cycling trips (I still don't understand how you do it but that is so awesome!)...so I guess 2 pounds per week is okay for me for now, but I know everyone has to go by whatever is best for them.

    Yep. And one benefit of being heavier is that we can usually cut our calories lower to begin with and get away with it! And, we burn more calories for the same amount of exercise than people who have less to lose!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Here's how I would (and typically do!) spend 1500 calories:

    7:00 = Workout
    8:00 = Protein Shake (Whey protein powder, strawberries, almond milk) ((160 calories))
    9:00 = 1 Tablespoon peanut butter on a brown rice cake and a cup of coffe ((155))
    11:00 = slice apple sprinkled with cinnamon ((80))
    12:00 = grilled chicken breast in a whole wheat wrap with loads of veggies and low cal dressing ((375))
    2:00 = raw veggies dipped in hummus, 5 black olives ((200))
    5:00 = broiled tilapia, steamed asparagus, quinoa ((400))
    8:00 = popcorn made in olive oil with sea salt, diet coke (I know - bad - but good) ((130))

    Hunger: I deal with my hunger with green tea before 2:00 p.m. and mint tea after 2:00 p.m. I keep a huge mug (you know those "Friends" cafe mugs that were huge in the 90's) on the counter all day, and just keep refilling the mug with the tea bag. I drink it lukewarm (chug it) and fill it up again! Great help.

    See how quickly you are losing at 2400 cals, and if it is slow, you might want to go to 2lbs a week (1900 cals). Then when that slows, you can "zig zag" a bit and increase again. Just a thought!