What Can I Do??

*Please feel free to look at my food diary.*
So I planned out my meals today and entered them into my food diary. I still have tons of calories, carbs, protein and fat left - BUT VERY LITTLE SODIUM. (Too much sodium absolutely killed me last week, so now I'm super paranoid - I HAVE TO stay under that!!) In addition, I haven't exercised yet, and that'll add about another 600 calories for me that I'm supposed to have today. I know everyone says "Don't put your body into starvation mode, or you won't lose any weight!" So, DO TELL ME, how can I eat more calories, carbs and fat today without going over on sodium??!? All this fretting is driving me bonkers! Advice, anyone??


  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Just don't eat pre-packaged food. Cook raw meat using spices instead of salt. Make a salad or steam some veggies and use olive oil, lemon juice, and basil to season instead of dressing. Steam some veggies and put pepper on them. Basically, you can prepare stuff to be low sodium easier than you can buy low-sodium products.

    That being said, going over a bit won't kill you. Especially if you're exercising: you'll sweat a lot of that salt and water out.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Just don't eat pre-packaged food. Cook raw meat using spices instead of salt. Make a salad or steam some veggies and use olive oil, lemon juice, and basil to season instead of dressing. Steam some veggies and put pepper on them. Basically, you can prepare stuff to be low sodium easier than you can buy low-sodium products.

    That being said, going over a bit won't kill you. Especially if you're exercising: you'll sweat a lot of that salt and water out.
    I was going to say the same thing about the prepacked food. Decrease carbs by not eating that roll or drinking that Monster, and increase your lean protein would be my suggestion.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I use protein bars (I like Special K bars and slim fast bars), cottage cheese, yogurts or almonds as snacks. At the end of the day if I am too under my calories I eat half an avocado - lots of calories and good fat.
  • trent_sluiter
    Some grilled chicken with some lemon juice! Or fish!
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    You have alot of calories to eat in a day 1900+ wow, I would definetly suggest you beef up your snacks. You should eat at least 3 meals and 2 snacks a day (maybe even 3 snacks) and an energy drink and baby carrorts isnt going to do much for you.

    You need to eat more for snacks so maybe do some protein with some fruit, or some whole grains (i.e. bagel thins, crackers, english muffins) because you have so many calories to eat I would even suggest having some wild or brown rice in there, maybe even some cheese.

    I would suggest shooting for 3 meals a day at 450 calories each, and having 3 snacks at 200 calories each, that would put you at 1950 calories a day and I wouldnt worry about eating your exercise calories.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Gotta toss the Sandwich. 1,050.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    While you're at it - Dump the Monster, too. Empty calories and high sodium.

    I agree with trying to eat some natural foods.
  • sacfrazier
    I would agree to toss the sandwich and the energy drink. You can put together your own sandwich for less than 1/2 the sodium of the one you are planning for lunch.
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    Gotta toss the Sandwich. 1,050.

    OH YEA! I forgot to mention this... REDICULAS!!! Make it yourself, you can have a much bigger, healthier sandwich for less calories and a whole heck of a lot less sodium...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I don't understand the egg substitute. If you are looking for a fat free option to eggs, why don't you just eat egg whites? Almost 500mg of sodium for EGGS, (that aren't real eggs) doesn't make sense to me. If you need the cals, have one whole egg and two egg whites. Or even 3 egg whites if you are going for volume.
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
  • healthymomwannabe
    healthymomwannabe Posts: 252 Member
    I was going to say the same thing about the prepacked food. Decrease carbs by not eating that roll or drinking that Monster, and increase your lean protein would be my suggestion.

    Luv2ash, could you please contact me? I completed the form on your website. Thanks much!
  • svackar
    I would agree with other responses too - try to limit the amount of prepackaged foods, if you do eat them - make sure to drink extra water, plus if you're excerising that much you'll need extra water to replace what you sweat out.

    You might try to add more protein to each of your meals and snacks...maybe shoot for 25-30 per meal/snack. You can add Greek Yogurt (chobani), Cottage Cheese, Tuna, Low-Fat cheese, Milk and continue to eat a healthy balance of cardbs (whole grains, fruits, and veggies).