What am I doing wrong?

urg, so frustrated rit now. I don't know what I am doing wrong here. I had been consistently loosing weight, had it's everyday little fluctuations as you normally get. I tend to weigh myself pretty much every day on our Wii Fit. I have been watching what I eat and exercising some. Try to stay at or just slightly above 1200 calories per day. Since Sunday morning I gained 2 pounds!?!? Just so frustrating when that happens. Sunday I had a few extra calories than I had hoped (we were invited to friends house for dinner, I watched how much of everything I ate though) and was right back to my normal eating yesterday. I did splurge and had a brownie for dessert last night, but it was small and only one and in me by 7:30 - I try to not eat after then - and that put me 34 calories over 1200...

Anyone have any tips?? Any suggestions? Any thoughts? Any...anything? :)


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    water weight from sunday, it will go away in a couple of days if you keep drinking water. FYI, you should not weigh yourself everyday. Try once a week or once every 2 weeks. Also pay attention to non scale changes, how you look, body fat %, how your cloths fit, as these are all more important than a number on a scale.
  • StephP0915
    StephP0915 Posts: 10 Member
    It's probably just water weight kiddo. Drink lots of water and keep a close eye on your sodium intake. It'll fall right back off.
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    Firstly I wouldnt weigh yourself everey day - stick to the eating plan you have set yourself along with regular exercise and weigh yourself only once a week. Your weight can fluctuate during the day and over a week you can gain and loose some weight.

    Choose a day and a time - I do Sat morning before breakfast and weigh only then.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Is it close to TOM? If so, that would be your culprit as many females tend to hold on to water during TOM and pretty much all of us refuse to weigh ourselves that week because of it (can "gain" anywhere from 1-5 lbs of water weight). Otherwise, it's probably what you ate Sunday and I agree with what everyone has said; closely monitor your sodium because excess amounts will cause you to retain water and drink lots of water to flush it out! Hang in there, it's not the end fo the world!
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    I definitely agree that daily weighing isn't usually a good idea. Your weight is bound to fluctuate and as you've found, it's really demoralising when it isn't what you were hoping. Weighing once a week at the same time of day is best - I usually go for weds morning so my body has had a chance to settle after any weekend excesses ;)

    Also for women you can often gain weight in the week before a period because of water retention. This can be as much as a few lb for some people. It's good to keep an eye on your cycle so you know when to expect this and don't freak out at the scales!!
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    like the other posts said, its most likely water and you probably had a high-sodium day and/or are getting near your TOM (ok, i am assuming you are a woman, lol, but i didnt look at your profile hehehe, so excuse me if i am wrong! :laugh: ) 1) i'd track/watch sodium 2) i'd weigh 2-3 times a week MAX and 3) i'd weigh 1st thing in the morning after using the bathroom in the same outfit (or lack there-of :blushing: ) for your most consistent weight measurement.

    Drink extra water over the next couple of days, watch your sodium intake and you should see that weight disapear in no time :)

  • Becca619
    Becca619 Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know my weight always goes up some near the TOM, but should be another week until that comes. I do weigh myself first thing in the morning after using the bathroom before eating or drinking anything and, well, in just my under clothes. One reason I tend to weigh myself daily is to see how what I ate the day before affects my weight, will try to use some control and only weigh myself once or twice a week :)

    One other thing I noticed is it seems like the day after I exercise my weight tends to go up - and right now my exercise tends to just be some aerobics / strength training with the Wii Fit Plus exercises, sometimes do a walking video too.

    Thanks again! :)
  • scratchless
    scratchless Posts: 30 Member
    urg, so frustrated rit now. I don't know what I am doing wrong here. I had been consistently loosing weight, had it's everyday little fluctuations as you normally get. I tend to weigh myself pretty much every day on our Wii Fit. I have been watching what I eat and exercising some. Try to stay at or just slightly above 1200 calories per day. Since Sunday morning I gained 2 pounds!?!? Just so frustrating when that happens. Sunday I had a few extra calories than I had hoped (we were invited to friends house for dinner, I watched how much of everything I ate though) and was right back to my normal eating yesterday. I did splurge and had a brownie for dessert last night, but it was small and only one and in me by 7:30 - I try to not eat after then - and that put me 34 calories over 1200...

    Anyone have any tips?? Any suggestions? Any thoughts? Any...anything? :)

    If i may pass on some words. First of check out my ten scientific ways to loose weight, i live by them and have been loosing weight for 5 weeks now at a rate of more than a KG per week. maybe not very healthy so wucikly but still,

    take a look at the size of your portions, are they big, medium or small, think plate size not whats on it.

    Have a look at your excersise. ever tried interval training, when do you excersise, day time, night time? remember during the day your body burns calories naturally through work, play or whatever, at night there is nothing. I gym, every night, and interval train so my body is still burning calories while I am sleeping.

    If you exercise in the morning your body is burning the calories your consuming then, what burns your evening meal??????

    I am with sabrads. try not to weigh yourself every day, wiifit is good but you don't have to weigh yourself, It will only depress you, trust me. Pick a day, any day, weigh yourself in the morning as soon as you get up, done your 1's and 2's,
    Remeber MFP works on a weekly average so if you do it daily you will see your weight change daily just like your calorie intake.

    Try and make a point of hitting exercise hard after a little slip like a brownie, get your average back down.

    But more importantly, make as many friends on here as you can, they will love you, and help you and guide you, u will read peoples diaries, see what they are eating, see what sport they are doing, see new exercises you can do, but most of all when you have a bad day they will pick you up, they will motivate you,

    Keep at it, I assure you it will come, promise you, despite what you think you are doing a good job, and we are all watching you, keep it up

  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    It could also be that you are gaining some muscle. That will make the scale go up, but that is great, because one pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than one pound of fat. (2 calories/day for fat, 6 calories/day for muscle)

    Also, remember that you have to eat 3500 calories to gain 1 pound (or burn 3500 to lose 1 pound), so have you really eaten that much over your goals since Sunday? Probably not. Remind yourself of this when you start obsessing about daily fluctuations. You have to eat A LOT to gain a pound a day of fat! A brownie isn't going to do it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It could also be that you are gaining some muscle. That will make the scale go up, but that is great, because one pound of muscle burns 3 times more calories than one pound of fat. (2 calories/day for fat, 6 calories/day for muscle)

    Also, remember that you have to eat 3500 calories to gain 1 pound (or burn 3500 to lose 1 pound), so have you really eaten that much over your goals since Sunday? Probably not. Remind yourself of this when you start obsessing about daily fluctuations. You have to eat A LOT to gain a pound a day of fat! A brownie isn't going to do it.

    Would not be muscle gain on a diet of 1200 cals, it is next to impossible to build muscle while in a caloric deficit. Maybe a little in the first few weeks then you would need to be in a caloric surplus, plus it is difficult for women to build muscle as they don't produce enough testosterone.