
adenham18 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, well, I am just starting P90x, and My Fitness Pal. I have a one year old who i gained 80 pounds with. i immediately lost 30 pounds, and for over a year have consistently stayed at 185. I haven't really worked at trying to lose it, but now I am very determined. Its been far too long living in this body, that i still havent gotten used to. I cant wait to get back down to feeling normal! I am having trouble deciding what categories to enter my work outs under. circut training seems like that would be good for core synergistics and i guess i could go through every single arm and leg work out to add in....it just takes 8 years...Does anyone have any suggestions on what to add everything in as? I am really loving it, and i have never been able to stay on the bandwagon with anything, but p90x and mfp has really made it something i want to do and look forward to. I just want to make sure im accurately tracking everything. Responses greatly appreciated:)


  • CombatVet_Armywife
    CombatVet_Armywife Posts: 300 Member
    Have you tried searching for it in the Database? I know I have already entered each workout myself using the title of each dvd. When I enter the workout (Yoga X, Kenpo X, ect.) it shows up in the database.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Under the exercise tab there is an option to enter the name of each workout if you don't see it in the database.

  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I have added my own exercise, and just called it DVD Workout. I wear a HRM and can then enter the time and calories after workout. That also makes it easy when I choose to do different DVDs for exercise. I then notate in the Exercise Notes box, which DVD I did and anything else pertinent. Have fun!
  • tsimehc2000
    tsimehc2000 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm currently doing P90X and I enter everything as cardio. I also keep my weights and reps on a separate excel spreadsheet. I wear a heart rate monitor with chest strap to get an accurate capture of the calories I'm burning.

    I hope this helps...
  • Hi Adenham18,
    Congrats on starting P90X!! It's a killer...but SO worth it!! I would suggest getting a Heart Rate monitor. This is the only way that I have found to really track what is going on with P90X and my calorie burn. The best one is Mio and it's not all that expensive. I got my from Big 5 for about $80 with a life time warranty. It is awesome!! The reason it is so important to track your burn is because you need to take in enough calories to help your body with your workout. It's a great tool and I am so glad I invested in it.
    That being said, I generally just add it into MFP as a cardio workout, even the lifting, and then I just add how many calories I burned. Trust me!! Try it out and you will be AMAZED at the results!!
    Good Luck!!
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    My mom is also signed in on MFP and she received an e-mail from MFP after rating this web site and they stated that it shouldnt be too much longer until they have the p90x workouts on the database. I did two rounds of p90X last year. You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE the results. Hope this info helped and good luck on your journey :o)
  • Aden... Welcome. Everyone seems to be giving some good advice here. I don't have any technical advice with MyFitnessPal... The only piece of inspiration I can give you is that I, too, have never been able to stick a "tough" workout program. With that being said, Today is Day 38 for me and I truly CAN NOT wait until Day 39. I am seeing great results and I don't think ill ever stop pushing play. Tony AND the folks on MFP are so supportive. Once the lbs start melting off, confidence will rise and you start to inspire yourself AND others. Keep Pushing Play... Bring It. Let's go....

  • wow thank you so much everyone! ive never felt more supported ever! not that my family and friends arent supportive, its just that most of them dont "get it" ya know? anyway this site is fabulous, and i AM bringin it!!!!!!!!!! hoorah!
  • I just did what you said, type in the title of each dvd, but they arent popping up for me?
  • HLRoberts1987
    HLRoberts1987 Posts: 139 Member
    I just did what you said, type in the title of each dvd, but they arent popping up for me?

    Its becasue it is not in the database yet. They did not give a time frame to when they would be up but they said soon. You might be able to email MFP or something and ask them when they are going to add it. That might work.
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