Salad Bar Salad...

I made a salad from Martin's for lunch today, but I have NO IDEA how to track it in my food diary!

Any suggestions?


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Just log each thing that was in it? Use your best judgment with measurements, but be realistic.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm not sure either but what I did for my salad was just take each ingredient that I put on my salad and then add it in individually. like I had croutons so I found one on the list that might not be exactly the same but it at least allowed me to see approximately how many calories.
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Yeah I add each ingredient separately.
  • doyoumeangreen
    doyoumeangreen Posts: 32 Member
    Check this out, I posted it a couple weeks ago. Might help
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    When I use the salad bar-I do add all the different ingredients seperatly.
  • eld79
    eld79 Posts: 1
    Look up Martin's nutritional information online and most stuff should be there...if not, estimate the amount of what you ate and enter in one item at a time. Not to be discouraging--but I ate lunch at a salad bar the other day and don't get me wrong--I made too big of a salad...BUT, it was 2 cups vegetables, 1/2 cup plain beans, lettuce, 1/4 cup hummus,edamame, 5 olives 2 tbs sunflower seed, 1 tbs slivered almonds, vinegar, pepper, maybe a few other things like that....nothing worth any calories---or so i thought...all of the good for you stuff on a salad bar still adds up?!?!(I ate no dressing, no pre-made pasta salads, no cruotons, no cheese) Bottom line; it ended up being like 800 calories. Don't let it discourage you--but when losing weight, it's best to prepare everything from home--I never would have had such a big salad!?! I just can't control my portions when I'm out?!? good luck!
  • newcomba
    Thanks...I'll try doing each separately, but I'm horrible at measuring, lol...I don't even know if some of the things are worth putting on there cuz they don't add up to much measuring wise.