How important is exercise?

I'm having difficulty finding time to exercise; my husband works pretty early (we share a car), my gym doesn't offer child care, I've found that if I go in the evening that I can't sleep, my gym is still full of people that started in January (I guess that's a cop out, but I find it intimidating), during TOM I have absolutely no energy, and it's too cold to take my son outside.
I've been staying within my calories (aside from Super Bowl, ugh) and I try to go jogging when I get a chance. I just have an overwhelming sense of guilt for not exercising as much as I could be/was.
If I go to the gym, I'm supposed to eat my exercise calories, so it almost seems like I would be fine not exercising as regularly.
I'm not looking for an excuse to stop exercising, I am just sick of beating myself up for not hitting the gym at least 4 times a week.
Any help, please?


  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    What about DVDs at home?? I still have my old Sweatin to the Oldies VHS tapes and I LOVE them.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I get really tired from my job. I usually go to the gym on Saturday and Sunday. Then, I do some exercise dvds at home Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I'm still getting lots of exercise and still using my gym membership in a way that makes me feel like it's not going to waste.
  • lindainak
    Go on Facebook and look for a moms group like stroller strides. Alot of people are in the same boat as you and it is a great way to socialize and get exercise at the same time.
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    You don't have to exercise to lose weight, as long as you stay within your calories. Exercise is VERY important, though. It is crucial for heart health and you will feel so much better if you do. Once you get into a routine, you won't know what to do without exercise. You have to find what works for you, though. You don't have to go to the gym to work out. I lost 38 pounds w/o going to the gym, but I actually just got a membership and I LOVE it!! Good luck to you!
  • chrissy_chitty
    kwardklinck what a great idea!!
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    as far as i understood when i set up my own stuff here on MFP, if you say you don't plan on exercising, that will be factored into your cals you are allowed each day. the cals are setup without exercising to still allow you to lose, and i know people will do it that way to start, and then when they feel better, or have more time available, etc, they throw in exercise as a bonus. so i would say don't beat yourself up, keep eating healthy, and when and if you can fit in exercise, it's a happy add on.
  • kayleigh333
    if you have an iphone then download the nike training app. it's free and has loads of good workouts you can do at home.
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I do the Jillian Michael 30 day shred video (10 dollars at walmart). It takes less then a half an hour and you burn a lot of calories.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    The truth is you don't need to exercise to lose weight - it can be done with diet alone. However, it's important to know that when you lose weight without exercising you will lose fat and muscle. Over time that could create a problem for your weight loss because muscles help you burn calories by increasing your metabolism. You might be able to benefit from some DVDs or the Wii games for the time being while you wait for the weather to improve. If those aren't an option then think about buying some light weights and making your own workout program at home.
  • DarthBubbles
    Go on Facebook and look for a moms group like stroller strides. Alot of people are in the same boat as you and it is a great way to socialize and get exercise at the same time.

    That's a good idea, thank you!
    My 2 1/2 year old makes it almost impossible to exercise at home!
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I have a gazillion DVDs at home. is really great- has descriptions and short video clips of all their workouts. I also think Netflix has quite a variety of workout DVDs you can put on your list. If you happen to have money to spend, getting a treadmill or elliptical could also be great, and you could do 10 minutes here or there.... Good luck!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    You can definitely lose weight on diet alone, but it will just take longer and you won't have much wiggle room. Exercising makes me feel so much better and speeds up the whole process. If you have any time at all, try to at least do some walking or quick at home workouts!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    buy a home machine. I have a Tony Little Pro Gazelle that will kick your butt. Plus I have a dumbbell strenght training DVD that I do at home. I can do all of my exercise at home while watching my favorite shows which makes the time past even faster. Plus in the long run it saves me money.
  • frogtox
    This is how I see it... Weight loss seems like pretty simple math. You need to burn more calories than you eat. You can achieve this by, obviously, burning more or eating less (or combining the two).

    However, it's NOT simple. When you exercise you increase your metabolism. You build muscle, which is more efficient at burning calories than is fat. You increase heart health, lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So, if I had a choice between exercising OR eating less, I'd exercise.

    Having said that... you really have to be committed to an exercise program if it's going to work for you. I have to get up earlier than everyone in the house to exercise. I am blessed to have a treadmill, but if you don't you can just climb stairs, lift small weights, do exercise videos or do yoga. It's helpful to me to find friends- even if they're friends that watch your kids for an hour while you work out. Carving out time for exercise has to be conscious and can't be half-hearted. But, the results are worth it and so are you.

    Incidentally.. the more you work out the more energy you'll have.. to a point, of course, but try it!

    Good luck!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Thats why I workout at least 30 min./day. After a month I am already getting toned, losing inches and lost 11 lbs. Find a way......... not an excuse why you can't and you'll be happy and have more energy.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Take your little guy to the park, for walks, push him on the swing, bike rides. Anything is better than nothing!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I stay at home all day with my kids, am in charge of my 3 year old getting off to preschool, all doctors appointments, speech therapy 2 times a week...then I go to work 8 hours at night until 2 am, all to be up in the morning at 730am to do it all over again. If I can find the time, so can anybody. I do workouts at home on Netflix or DVD while my 7 month old is napping, and also in my work's fitness room at work.
  • DarthBubbles
    Like I said, I'm just not exercising as much as I'd like to...I think that maybe I'll try getting to the gym in the early morning.
    Wish me luck (& extra energy haha)
    Thanks for all your replies, they were very helpful :bigsmile:
  • DarthBubbles
    I stay at home all day with my kids, am in charge of my 3 year old getting off to preschool, all doctors appointments, speech therapy 2 times a week...then I go to work 8 hours at night until 2 am, all to be up in the morning at 730am to do it all over again. If I can find the time, so can anybody. I do workouts at home on Netflix or DVD while my 7 month old is napping, and also in my work's fitness room at work.

    Wow! I have no excuse!
    Way to go :flowerforyou:
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I hear ya on having zero energy too....running on 4 hours of sleep a me, I know! Lol.

    But after I work out at home, I have a ton more energy.

    Does your kid still take naps? I would try to squeeze in a half-hour cardio session during nap time.