Getting Motivated

BLewy Posts: 11 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I am new to the forums but I've been using MFP to log my calories for a couple weeks. I am 24 and I have struggled with weight my entire life and have always blamed it on my thyroid disorder but I'm ready to fight for the body I've always wanted. I am going to do it this time! I've been motivated by the success stories I've seen on this site and I hope that one day I will be a success story that motivates someone else. Now, I just need to continuously find things that keep me motivated and work my butt off (literally) =] I just joined my local gym and need suggestions for awesome cardio workouts that produce results. Thanks and good luck to you all!


  • I love Zumba! I've been in a class almost a year now (on and off). And most wmona in our class burn up to 600 + calories a class. I've also watched a cardio kick boxing class tonight that looked like it would be a blast!

    Remember it explore all options at your gym. I never thought I would be one to take a class, but it's been so fun. And I'm sure you'll meets tons of people that will influence you as well. Maybe even meet new friends.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    My suggestion would be not to go down the endless cardio road. Read about HIIT (high intensity interval training) and get that into your routine. Much less time wasted on cardio equipment for hours on end and much better results :laugh:
  • boomer0688
    boomer0688 Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats on joining. I am 22 and have also struggled with my weight over the years especially as I have gotten older (not that I am saying I am old :-) ). I have joined a cardio kixkboxing class and let me tell you that is one heck of a full body cardio workout and it is a lot of fun. Not only do I see my self losing pounds but inches as well!
    Good luck to you :-)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    They key is to find something YOU truly enjoy!!

    For example I love spin, but Zumba is my living nightmare... but a lot of people here LOVE Zumba etc... It's all about finding something you love!!

    Things to try...

    - dancy type aerobic-style classes like Body Attack
    - boxercise or fighting-style classes like Tae Bo, Body Combat
    - interval based bike classes like spin or RPM
    - circuits or boot camp type of stuff
    - road running!!

    Also it's not all about cardio. Lift some weights, it's what makes the difference between 'skinny fat' and tone!

    Above all have fun!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    When I started my trainer told me to try to burn 450 cardii calories per session. You can do that any way you want - elliptical, treadmill, bike. Elliptical burns the most (in my experience, but I don't run for long periods), the bike the least. Try to mix it up. You do want to burn calories but strength training is important too for overall long term health and increasing muscle burns more calories.

    Oh and I love tsking classes like step aerobics, kickboxing, those are great cardio.

    Good luck!
  • BLewy
    BLewy Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! I've been contemplating taking a Zumba class but I'm not brave enough to do it alone so I think I'm going to have to find a friend to go with me =] I'll also have to look into some cycling classes and HIIT. Thanks again!
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