Steps towards the new me

Hello everyone!

I found this website last week and since i had already decided to go on a low-calory diet, I thought taht it would be a good idea to join this discussion group. There are probably some of you that are weighing and counting everything that you eat, therefor I wold like to ask you how do you manage to do this on the long run? Isn't it difficult to have lunch or eat at the office? Oh, and how do you deal with emotional eating or with compulsive eating?

These are some of the questions I hope I will find answers for here...


  • darklady
    Hello everyone!

    I found this website last week and since i had already decided to go on a low-calory diet, I thought taht it would be a good idea to join this discussion group. There are probably some of you that are weighing and counting everything that you eat, therefor I wold like to ask you how do you manage to do this on the long run? Isn't it difficult to have lunch or eat at the office? Oh, and how do you deal with emotional eating or with compulsive eating?

    These are some of the questions I hope I will find answers for here...
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member

    I'm new too and I just joined last week. I'm in week 2 of my fitness makeover. I've been working out regularly for about two months but just recently started tracking my food since I wasn't seeing the results I wanted.

    What seems to work is that I tend to work out in the mornings then have breakfast before leaving for work. I work out early in the mornings because I have kids and this is the only time I have uninterrupted time for me. I pack my lunch and snacks to take to work. At some point in the morning, I log in my exercise and all the food I've packed to eat as well as the breakfast I ate. That gives me a pretty good idea what I have left for dinner and if I need to take a walk once I get home. This has worked pretty well. In two weeks I've lost 4 pounds even when I've skipped workouts.

    On the weekends I made sure to enter my food as close to my meal times as possible. That keeps me focused.

    Last week I had three days of all day meetings and there were lots of unhealthy treats there. I did the same thing. I took my lunch. I made sure to eat a bit more for breakfast than normal and I kept my water bottle with me. I was fine. No temptation. I had to eat out to lunch once and I ordered as healthy as I could and then ate half because the portions were large. Then I just used the lunch I packed for the next day. My rule has been that if it's not in my lunch carrier...I don't eat it.

    I used to have a trigger eating time. I get off work at 3pm and dinner is not usually until 6pm. Mindless snacking for three hours was a problem. Now I make sure to pack my lunch and I make sure that I have a snack about an hour before I leave work. This has helped my major eating problem.

    My first week of tracking my food I'd get cravings at night. The first night I air popped popcorn and ate that and drank lots of water. Now I don't eat after 7 or 8pm. If I take a walk or keep busy from dinner onward, I don't crave food as much. When Ido, I will brush my teeth, drink a glass of water, and that is usually enough to stop the craving.

    I hope this helps! I've always been sucessful with exercise but in the last years have had problems with the food part so my advice is somewhat limited.

    Good luck on your diet!! This site is a wonderful tool and I'm glad we both found it.
  • bethskiles
    Created by - Free Food Diary:
    Emotional eating/compulsive eating has been a problem for me. I just try to keep the big picture in my mind and ask myself "is it really worth it?". Keep the picture of the beautiful you in that wedding dress. this is sometimes hard, especially if you are eating for emotional reasons. the only thing to do is allow yourself a small portion of what you think will make you feel better and add it into your daily calorie count. Sometimes, i just HAVE a to have chocolate, especially when I am feeling down. I used to buy brownie mix and make a whole batch- well, you can imagine what happeded. Now, when I feel the need for chocolate- I go and buy a single brownie then just count it in my calorie count. But sometimes, I just have to get away from any source of food for awhile!! You can do it, just take one day- no one moment at a time and celebrate when you are successful! Beth