Frustrated & Discouraged!

AshBee092 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
As of today it's been a month since I've started my fitness journey. So far, I'm only down about 5 lbs since that started (I lost 11 lbs before I even started here). That 5 lbs was lost by my 2nd week of working out and now I'm at a stand still. I work out between 5-6 days a week for at least an hour a day and have only went over my caloric intake like 3 of the past 30 days. I'm usually always right on or below and hardly ever eat back all of my exercise calories. I do weight training and cardio everyday. At first I thought I might be gaining muscle, but I'm not losing inches either yet. The 5 lbs that I have lost go up and down. I'll be up one day and 2 days later back down. I have officially decided to stop weighing for at least 2 weeks because I'm so discouraged by that. Does anyone have advice they'd like share?


  • How's your diet???
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    Be patient.....5 lbs in one month is amazing progress.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    What are the Quality of your calories? How hard are you working when you workout. Something in there is maybe causing you to not loose as much. 1-2 lbs a week is healthy some people who have more to loose may loose 3-5 lbs in a week but againg it all depends on the the food/calories and how hard or what your doing when you work out
  • parrtar
    parrtar Posts: 6 Member
    I find that when I'm feeling really discouraged that a lot of times it's because I am eating more than I think I am. It helps to weigh food on a food scale so that you really get a sense for how much food is what.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    1st of all, I agree with smarina79... that's an average of 1lb a week. That's excellent, healthy weight loss that will STICK rather than rapid gung-ho fashion diet loss that you gain back the next day.

    I recommended that you take the time to read this post, because this is a common issue on the forums:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Are you tracking sodium? Drinking lots of water? Hard to comment without knowing your intake. But don't get discouraged! You know nothing will happen if you don't keep trying! Count the calories in, burn the calories off; zigzag your calorie intake up and down (1200 the lowest); eat back 1/2 of your calories burned. Plateaus happen to all of us and you have to just bust through them by keeping at it day by day by day!
  • That does sound discouraging but try different exercises to motivate as well as different foods! Also keep in mind that just because you are exercising doesn't mean you will lose the weight! Before giving birth to my son I weighed 160 while being told I should have weighed 145-150. I was very fit and the weight was a result of working out by doing push ups and other strength training exercises in addition to cardio! Sometimes it helps when you feel your jewelery or clothing getting looser. Sounds like you are working hard! Keep it up hun! It is all worth it! :flowerforyou:
  • Heifort1
    Heifort1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'd agree with the fitness pro before me. I've cut cals down to 1200 and not lost much. I'm finding that if I focus on adding good protien varieties, the pounds and inches are coming off. I've basically cut out flour types of products, only whole grains, lean meats, soy and turned on the vegies/fruits in between...THIS TIME I'm seeing a better outcomes and I have more energy. Don't get discouraged but try a new variety of foods maybe. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    How much exercise did you get before you started watching your calories here?

    It sure sounds like you might be firming up your muscles at this point -- in other words, you *are* losing weight (in fat) and regaining it (in healthy muscles)! This would be a *very good* thing: it means that your weight loss will be a whole lot more healthy, and better yet, the more toned you are, the better you'll burn calories!

    Did you take your measurements a month ago? Try taking them again, and see where they're at now...
  • :bigsmile:
  • I agree with a lot of the above and think it's a good idea to stay off the scale. The quality of your calories does matter and maybe you should be eating your exercise calories. I know not eating them works for some people, but not for everyone.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I don't have advice but I want you to know that I too have been stuck at a stand still as well. Yes, it's very frustrating but I just try and keep moving forward the best that I can. I lost 30 pounds fast in the first 8 weeks then nothing for 3 weeks and I was doing everything right! Then I tried lowing my carbs as I think I am carb sensitive and I dropped 5 pounds finally. Again, I am still standing still with no steady weightloss, although I should be dropping something every week, I'm not. All I can say, is that your not alone, just stick with it and maybe zig-zag your calories om some days, like eat a100-200 more on some days of the week, it may help shake up your metabolism. I am trying different things in hoping that I find what works for me, it's just a matter of trial and error. Keep with it and although sometimes hard, think postive and don't let it get you down. Good luck!
  • Oh! I think that's normal. Everyone plateaus. I know it's discouraging though. It will get better. Maybe try some new recipes or mix up the workout routine a bit to make it less frustrating and more interesting? Good luck! You can do it! :)
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Its hard to stay positve sometimes. Plateaus are common and are frustrating.

    I know myself I plateau regularly and I have have alot of weight to lose but what I do know is Im getting heaps fitter.

    All I can say is this is a long journey and it wont just happen , stick with it , the results will show soon enough. Also what you have lost already is a big achievemnet in itself. Chin up.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member

    First take a look at these and make sure you're not falling foul of any of this fun stuff.

    Then take a look at what you're eating. I try to eat as 'clean' as possible. The occasional processed food isn't going to hurt all that much but it should be avoided where possible in your daily diet.

    Lastly a pound a week might not feel like much but actually if you lose it that way you are so much more likely to keep it off. Not only that but it gives your body/skin time to adjust to the weight loss. So less chance of saggy skin.
    I'd say that's a bonus.
  • Make sure you're measuring inches also!! Looks like you got a LOT of good advice. Watch carbs/white flour & white sugar. Those are sneaky little things that can defeat you. Veggies are your friend....I do lots of stir frys. I lost 30lbs before I started documenting on here. Now I have gone all natural w/o bread/pasta.potatoes for the present time until my body gets more balanced.
  • AshBee092
    AshBee092 Posts: 5 Member
    I feel like the quality of my calories are good. I am getting more fiber than recommended. I'm not a big meat eater, so I do eat a lot of vegetarian products (veggie burgers, veggie "chicken"). Maybe I'm missing something...
  • AshBee092
    AshBee092 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging words and advice! I hit the gym hard tonight and am feeling better.
  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    I'm having the same problem as you right now, I hear ya! it's sooo frustrating to sit there and ask yourself "If I'm going to the gym 6 days a week, working my butt off and eating as healthy as I can, WHY did the weight just stop coming off?" I keep weighing myself everyday (before and after my workout lol) and it's sooo discouraging! what Ive learned from everyone on here is that we just have to stick with it and hopefully it will start coming off again! there's gotta be something changing if we're working this hard!
  • A good suggestion open ur food diary so people can see what you are consuming!
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