results of 'Insanity'?



  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Doing P90X now, but from what I keep hearing about is next on the agenda!!
  • ewarm24
    Doing P90X now, but from what I keep hearing about is next on the agenda!!

    deff do insanity after p90x, it would have been easier for me if i had done it that way instead of reverse
  • Yellowstone1983
    Yellowstone1983 Posts: 131 Member
    I have 1.5 weeks left of the program and I will definitely be doing more rounds in the future. I only lost about 10 pounds so far, but I tightened up all over the place and lost inches... I also went from only being able to run for 2 miles without taking a break to walk... to running 8 miles straight (and could've gone further) on the treadmill! The improvement in my fitness is unparalleled.. LOVE IT!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    Their nutrition guide gives you a calculation for calories you need and suggests subtracting 500 per day to lose 1lb a week. So, a reasonable goal would be 10lbs. I think many will bonk during the works outs being much more than 500 short unless they specifically fuel about 10 minutes before starting. I eventually had to pre-fuel an extra 240+ calories or so by the second 30 days
    I am doing Insanity and am on my second phase. I was exausted by the end of month one so pre-fuiling sounds like an excellent idea. What would you pre-fuel with? Carbs, protein, in shake form, etc...?

    PS. I haven't got far to go but I did get some results the first month...not much but husband lost 13lbs the first month. He's a big guy though.

    You would want to Pre Fuel with the P90X Results formula, AMP Endurance Booster, Endurox R4, or a runners nutrition gel. Gatorade Prime would suffice also.

    I like the P90 or AMP better than Endurox R4 for Pre-Fuel. The P90 and AMP have Bcomplex vitamins to help with the energy. I also upped my post workout re-fuel to almost 500. Between the Pre and Post fueling I was replacing about 80% of the calories burned, most of course Glycogen.

    A little AB hint. Find somewhere to do AB work with added weight. Either Bands or Weights can be used to add resistance. I used to do weighted on the floor work but I now stick to doing crunches sitting up on a bowflex with resistance to keep reps around 30(1 set twice a week). You don't go nuts or you could end up with big abs, but adding a little mass can help bring the abs through and help define their shape.

    THANKS FOR THE AB TIPS!! i need all i can get!!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I have 1.5 weeks left of the program and I will definitely be doing more rounds in the future. I only lost about 10 pounds so far, but I tightened up all over the place and lost inches... I also went from only being able to run for 2 miles without taking a break to walk... to running 8 miles straight (and could've gone further) on the treadmill! The improvement in my fitness is unparalleled.. LOVE IT!

    wow! 2 miles to 8 miles???? THAT IS INCREDIBLE!! i need to lose about 15 lbs, so hopefully i can reach my summer goal by May!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    thanks stooo, yeah i love jack and also i like presurge unleashed. i use presurge unleashed right now and i only need one scoop but i just got back on my pre workout stuff after my 3 week cycle off, before i got to the point i was taking 2 1/2 scoops and wasnt really feeling it. i feel ya on the on and off thing, but i was so disgusted with how bad i let myself go i made up my mind to push forward and never go back, i had some problems with my diet cause i kept it around 2000 for so long. so i was staying at around 210 for about 4 months, then i found i should go up to 3000 for a month and then 2400 and then 1900 for a 3 month cycle, once i started this in Dec, the weight started comming back off. i should break into the 190's this week for the first time since i was 19 yrs old, over 10 years ago. But when i start dragging i just look at some old photos of me and it usually give me that push i need to stay focused, good luck brotha!

    P.S. i love that tingly feeling jack gives you =)

    congrats on your weight loss! that sounds amazing :)
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    I forgot to mention that so far, I have noticed my belly going down tremendously!! That is where I can see the most results thus far!

    sweeet! now i am really excited!!! i am starting Tomorrow!
  • fredaro2002
    fredaro2002 Posts: 35 Member
    I can tell you from experience, you will definately sweat, sweat, and sweat some more! I finished month 1 and decided to do 2 more weeks of the dvd's for month 1 to make sure I get geared up for month 2. I have so far lost 9 pounds and lost 4 inches off my waist in the first month doing this workout. I recommend this to anyone who wants to seriously tone, no matter how heavy you start out with. i iinitally couldn't get through 1-two minute circuit without almost balling I can get through almost all three intervals with minimal breaks! :love: