Self-esteem=crap...could use some encouragement

So here's the situation...I have always spoken about how I need to exercise more, eat better and all that. Finally I found this site and so far it's working...kind of. It's definitely slower than I'd like and I would love just that little extra bit of support from people in the same or similar situations.
Recently, my boyfriend proposed to me. Between our wedding planning and everyday activities, I've been constantly thinking about how I need to look in that perfect dress. This, along with friends, has helped me to get a membership at a gym and cut back on the crap I put into my system. Recently, though, it has been harder and harder to stick with it. Suggestions/help?


  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    use this site every day and talk to people on here.
    You can do this
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Be selfish and put yourself first. That means make certain you get your exercise time no matter what others want you to do. Eat the foods you KNOW are good for you but give yourself permission to have a treat occasionally (this is for the rest of your life). Realize that this is a lifestyle change and it will take some time. If you lose it super quick, it's less likely to stay gone. Come here every day (at least!) and log every bite of food, read some of the success stories, join a challenge which will encourage you to workout harder or eat better. You can do this.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Just keep thinking about that dress and how hot you're going to look! You have a specific date to work towards. I dont' really have a time-line and that makes me just keep dragging on losing the last few pounds I'd like to get rid of. Remember to plan all of your meals. You should know what your dinner plan is by 10 am. That always helps me. Good luck! You can do it!!
  • kittie20020
    I hadn't thought about the planning your meals. I went to bakery/culinary school and am a fan of just picking stuff up from the store and making whatever comes to mind. Perhaps it's time to put that aside for awhile.