10 weeks in, meeting calorie target, but no lost weight

RedBlue22 Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi folks,

I'm 10 weeks in and have yet to shed a pound. I'm keeping under 2 000 calories on average, which is what MFP suggests is what I need to be at in order to drop 1lb a week. Admittedly, I'm exercising very little (30-60 minutes of walking, 5 days a week is about it) and my diet is more carbs than vegetables. I don't record the any walking unless it's above my usual amount (eg. a long walk over lunch will get recorded).

My clothing fits just as ever, so I don't think any muscle is sneaking in here.

I'd love some direction on what else needs to change as I'm getting a bit frustrated.

Extra info if it helps: 1.8m/5'11", male, 105kg/230lbs


  • Don't take this the wrong way - but are you recording everything you eat? The extra bites of stuff can really add up..
  • Are you changing anything about the way you did things before you started? Your weight won't change if the way you eat doesn't. I don't know about anyone else, but if I ate a 2000 calorie diet daily, I'd gain weight.

    Carbs and sugar are my drugs of choice - and they are what I had to cut down on the most. :)

    What's made the most difference for me is the exercise - I started out slow, but increase regularly. Now I go by calories burned rather than time. Whatever I do, I keep at it till I burn 400 cals.

    So that's my 2 cents. Hope it helps!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    You shold log those exercise calories, even those walks. Then you need to eat those calories back. Also, be sure you are drinking plenty of water. At your weight, you need 115 ounces a day. (1 ounce for every 2 pounds). Get plenty of sleep also. Lack of sleep and not enough water can hinder weight loss a great deal. Hope this helped!
  • "What's made the most difference for me is the exercise - I started out slow, but increase regularly. Now I go by calories burned rather than time. Whatever I do, I keep at it till I burn 400 cals"

    That's a good point - if I don't exercise, I don't generally lose any weight regardless of what I eat
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Reduce the calories a little and mix up the exercise. Your body gets used to a routine. Rotate walking, strength training, biking. Good luck!
  • seems to me like you have hit a "slump" and you're not challenging your body. you body has grown accustomed to getting the walks 5 days a week. unless you push yourself a bit, really break a sweat you wont start seeing any changes. you dont want to starve yourself, but keep up with the 2000 cals a day and maybe try walking uphill or beginning to jog. hope this helps!
  • Instead of watching my calorie intake, I am watching my carb intake. I never go over my daily suggested intake of carbs. It's very similar to the new Weight Watcher's Points Plus Program (don't watch calories but watch carbs) and it's working!! Seriously, I am eating more, eating more often and eating healthier than I ever have and I've lost 3lbs in 3 weeks (1lb a week is suggested the healthy way to lose weight). I have 3 family members who are also doing this and they are having the same results that I am. I'm feeling great...............Hang in there!!
  • When I first started using MFP, the first month I did not lose anything. I spoke to another MFP user and they stated that the calorie count for exercising was not correct. She advise me to cut MFP fitness count in half and that will give you a more accurate calorie count. For example, if you exercised for 15 mins on the treadmill and MFP is standing that the calories burned is 350. You should record the calories burned as 175. Also, increase the amount of water you are drinking....I hope that helps!!!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hi folks,

    I'm 10 weeks in and have yet to shed a pound. I'm keeping under 2 000 calories on average, which is what MFP suggests is what I need to be at in order to drop 1lb a week. Admittedly, I'm exercising very little (30-60 minutes of walking, 5 days a week is about it) and my diet is more carbs than vegetables. I don't record the any walking unless it's above my usual amount (eg. a long walk over lunch will get recorded).

    My clothing fits just as ever, so I don't think any muscle is sneaking in here.

    I'd love some direction on what else needs to change as I'm getting a bit frustrated.

    Extra info if it helps: 1.8m/5'11", male, 105kg/230lbs

    it's 80% food and 20% exercise that really amounts to weight loss. if you're not getting enough fibre and veggies, that may be stalling things. I'd add fibre and sodium to your tracking since you mentioned your diet is mostly carbs. what about protein?

    ideally your plate should consist of 1/2 veggies, 1/4 starch (so your carbs like whole grain pasta), and 1/4 lean meats. size should be about the height and width of a deck of cards.

    best wishes!
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like you need to start by keeping better track of your food diary. You can't really know how much you are supposed to be eating unless you log everything. The exercise is important to log because it changes your daily goals. maybe you are not eating enough. I would also mix some protien in your diet and cut sown on the carbs. Too many store fat and slow down weight loss. You have to have a balanced diet. good luck! :smile:
  • 3.5 litres of water a day? Holy smokes, I'm not getting anything near that! Does anyone else concur? I'm averaging about 1.5 litres (6 cups) now. I'm up for increasing my water intake... But that's a lot of water!!!

    As for logging food... Yes, everything goes in. I found the setting to open up my food diary, it's public now fully showing my near-weekly pizza and wings nights, frequent cookie or ice cream snacks, and occasional half bottle of wine.

    I do get some protein, no idea if it's appropriate an amount. I'll start watching this a bit more.

    I had never heard of sodium affecting weight loss.... I'll need to look into this. Links about this are welcome!

    Thanks to everyone who replied!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    From your diary, it looks like you're eating too much processed food with little nutritional value. It's not just about the calories. Those calories have to be packed with vitamins and nutrients - especially when your cals are restricted. I would try to replace sugary cereals for breakfast with yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, or wheat toast. Try to avoid cookies and fast food. Also, I noted that you're eating three large meals a day. Dumping that much sugar and carbs into your body at once can mess with your insulin levels and metabolism. Try to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. Spread those calories out. I recommend you add sugar and sodium to your diary - you may be surprised at the numbers. Just tweak your diet a bit and I think you'll start to see the results you want. Good luck!

  • I had never heard of sodium affecting weight loss.... I'll need to look into this. Links about this are welcome!

    Thanks to everyone who replied!
    Sodium makes you retain water like CRAZY. Cutting down on the sodium will help shed extra water weight.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    6 cups of water is not that much. I'm a 145 lb female. I drink 8-12 cups a day. At first it seemed alot (before MFP I drank 1-2 cups a day). I was constantly running to the bathroom every 20 minutes to pee - annoying, but after about a week or so pushing myself to drink at least 8 glasses of water, my body adjusted, now I pee the normal 3-4 times a day and drink MORE than 8 glasses a day. :)

    The water DOES make a huge difference. If your body is going to break down fat it releases toxins that you have to wash away. Drink lots of water. :)
  • pickle41
    pickle41 Posts: 35 Member
    I also have been here since January 3rd 2011, and have only lost 3.6 lbs... I know it is very frustrating but I keep tracking my food and excercise (when I can get it in) but even with 12 to 1300 calories a day I am not seeing a difference on the scale. But ya know some people change their calorie intake from day to day, like one day they mightr eat 1100 calories, and the next they might eat 1300.. I foget what they call it but they are tricking their metabolism... it works for a lot of people. And make sure you're drinking about 100oz of water a day.. good luck to you and I can't wait to hear the good news of your loss!:flowerforyou:
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    Here's my opinion (which may not be the norm but it is working for me). I looked at your diary and my guess is the problem is your sugars and your carbs. SUGAR says "Store this fat." CARBS turn into... SUGAR... in your body. Focus on foods like salad greens with cheese and nuts and a little dressing you like. Eat spinach on a sandwich. Eat eggs for breakfast and multi grain breads. These are the things I do and I've lost 9 lbs. in 3 weeks doing it. Good luck.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    I agree with the post about upping your water intake.... I just started this week, its not as tough as it seems. I use a 20oz bottle and I will have a bottle before I eat at each meal (that's 60 oz right there) I try to drink another while eating and finish it after (you're already at 120) .... If yiy start small with having water before you eat each meal or snack not only does it help you increase your intake but it also helps with feeling fuller faster.
  • Alright, I'm onboard with limiting sodium and increasing water intake. I'll see how this goes.

    So far I've changed little in my diet.... Just cut out the near daily chocolate bar. When/if I start losing weight I want to be clear on the change that's contributed to it.

    Thanks agaon everyone!
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    RedBlue. I think it's great for your health that you took away the daily chocolate bar. Congrats! Be watchful that you don't replace it with high carbs, as carbs turn into sugar and would ultimately result in no change in your weight. If the sodium lowering and upping your water isn't effective, consider trying my advice. My belief is fat doesn't make you fat - sugar does. Best of luck.
  • Hi Redblue

    I was looking at your daily food intake, (and please don't take this the wrong way) but you aren't going to have a weight loss if you are eating cookies every night before you go to bed. Also on one day you have an onion soup from applebee's but then go to starbucks and have a chocalate crossaint. Also, you are eating way to much processed food.

    Try making food at home.....you would be suprised at how much better the food taste, and so many less calories. Try eating lean meats, lots of veggies, and good carbs.

    If at night, you are craving something sweet, maybe have some yogurt with fresh fruit. Good luck on your journey.

    Don't give up! Just by changing a few things....you will be on your way to meeting your goal.
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