Help - Hungry

ok.. so I started weights last week. And I am walking 7 miles a day. Now I am so hungry all day for the last few days. I am trying to listen to my body, but I feel like if I eat up all my exercise calories ill be defeating my progress. Do I need to eat all the Exercise calories? Help


  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    I like small meals little 100 calorie stacks once and a while. From what i have been told it is okay to eat up some of your exercise calories they are like bonuses. Try a little snack here and there veggies and fruits.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I try to keep about 20-25% of my available exercise calories "in the bank". But some days, I will eat all of my exercise calories. If you worked out, you earned those extra calories. If you are hungry all of the time, you will get discouraged and have a hard time maintaining your good mindset. Spread out your meals to include snacks, that sometimes helps, but most of all, you need to consume some of those calories you earned via exercise. Good luck to you!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    try a protein with a carb--a turkey slice/cheese rollup; blueberries and walnuts; protein shake mid afternoon with fruit maybe.
  • Junglemonkey
    Junglemonkey Posts: 4 Member
    Fill up on fruits and vegetables. Raw celery and cucumber can be pretty filling and have practically no calories. Eat a big plate of raw veggies several times a day and you'll not just beat hunger, but add a lot of fiber and vitamins to help you out.
  • savage677
    I know the feeling! I say focus on low calorie, filling, good for you snacks when you are hungry. I keep cut up veggies in the fridge and a bunch of single serving frozen veggies in the freezer, to fight off destructive cravings. Also, I just got a popcorn air popper and 4 cups are only 124 calories and full of fiber, very filling. If you use some of your extra work calories on healthy fare I say do it. Good luck! And let me just say, 7 miles a day, wow! :)
  • get_it_gone2012
    You should eat your exercise calories. The 1200 is a NET 1200 (or however many calories MFP gives you) which means that if you exercise and burn 500 calories, then you have 1700 to eat that day. If you don't eat most of your exercise calories back, then you don't have enough to live on and your body can go into starvation mode. Think of it this way, if you eat 1200 calories in a day, but exercise and burn 500 of those calories, then you only have 700 calories to live on that day, and that is certainly not enough.

    Check out this post, it has all the info you need:


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  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Eat your calories! If you are working hard, then it makes sense that you need more calories.
    MFP calculates a calorie deficit and even if you eat all your exercise calories the deficit is still there.
    Well done for working out, make sure you are eating lots of healthy food to give your body the fuel it needs to keep going.
  • CowgirlHustle
    CowgirlHustle Posts: 7 Member
    Don't go hungry--you have to fuel your body with clean energy. When you are lifting weights, you are creating tiny tears in your muscles that need healing---rest and good fuel! Ask yourself if you are truly hungry or if there is something else going on. Anxious? Thirsty? If you're hungry, eat a turkey and low fat mozzarella wrap or something along those lines. Going hungry will set you up for binging on "empty" calories. It will also trigger those deprivation instincts that you DON'T want to fight with. You are exercising an awful lot! Your body does need time to rest. Listen to it:-) Great work--keep it up!! You won't regret it!!