Can't seem to lose the annoying belly bulge..

I've been doing planks and crunches and lots of cardio... do any of you have good tips / resources on how to get that stubborn belly bump to slim down? :(


  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    The only way to lose belly fat it is to lose fat overall - doing planks and crunches won't do anything at all. A collosal waste of time!

    Try the "Cart". Set treadmill to 15 degrees and walk at 3-3.5mph for 40 minutes daily. You'll lose 500 calories and sweat buckets without feeling exhausted (like running does).

    Then reassess after a couple weeks.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    You can't spot reduce,you are going to have to keep at it until your bodyfat levels reduce to a level where your belly snaps back,in the mean time,how about some weighted abdominal exercises,like crunches with a medicine ball in order to prepare those abs when your belly becomes more toned! :D
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    planks and crunches will give you a nice toned stomach - once all the fat has gone from on top of it, otherwise it will just be nice and toned and hidden under a layer of fat

    a good mix of cardio, strength training and eating proper natural healthy foods is the only way to lose it - no quick fix im afraid :(
  • etron
    etron Posts: 33
    The only way to lose belly fat it is to lose fat overall - doing planks and crunches won't do anything at all. A collosal waste of time!

    Try the "Cart". Set treadmill to 15 degrees and walk at 3-3.5mph for 40 minutes daily. You'll lose 500 calories and sweat buckets without feeling exhausted (like running does).

    Then reassess after a couple weeks.

    I've heard that the more muscle mass one builds, the higher their metabolic rate becomes... so if I build muscle mass in my abs, then do cardio, theoretically it should burn the fat more quickly than if I only did cardio. I guess that's true though... that my overall body fat % needs to drop before I'll see any solid results in my tum tum.
  • GlutenFreeWench
    you can burn more fat with more muscle underneath....

    But I would say that all over body muscle building would be more effective for this purpose.

    Planks and crunches are going to build some - but you need to do some arms, legs, etc.

    I also recommend the elliptical with arms, a bike with arms at the gym;)

    Up the resistance...go for an hour, burn tons of calories.

    Then watch what you eat daily (don't forget to fuel your body)...And you'll lose weight! And that belly bulge will go along with it:)
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    ab muscles are not really like other muscles they dont get as big its usually the big muscles that require energy to maintain also dont work your abs more than 3 times a week there is a thing called over training and 3 is the max you want on abs
  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    Building muscle helps burn fat but you're better off focusing on the large muscle groups. But if your only goal is to lose the bulge, then only burning calories will help. Just keep strength training in the mix so that you don't lose too much muscle in the process.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    This is like the most awesome ab video ever. In under 10 mins you will DIE.