10 weeks in, meeting calorie target, but no lost weight



  • stereomad
    Hi Redblue

    I was looking at your daily food intake, (and please don't take this the wrong way) but you aren't going to have a weight loss if you are eating cookies every night before you go to bed. Also on one day you have an onion soup from applebee's but then go to starbucks and have a chocalate crossaint. Also, you are eating way to much processed food.

    Try making food at home.....you would be suprised at how much better the food taste, and so many less calories. Try eating lean meats, lots of veggies, and good carbs.

    If at night, you are craving something sweet, maybe have some yogurt with fresh fruit. Good luck on your journey.

    Don't give up! Just by changing a few things....you will be on your way to meeting your goal.

    I agree you can eat your calorie limit and not lose anything and its what you eat rather than the calorie content as its how your body processes that type of food. thats why its never as easy as "eat fewer cals you'll lose weight"

    if you eat loads of sugary, processed foods automatically your body kicks in with the insulin which stores all that sugar to reduce your blood sugar to normal i.e weight gain, I know a girl who all she eats is sweets (haribos and marshmallows) as they have no fat, but she never loses any weight even though shes under her cals a day.

    the only way thats ever going to lose weight is, and its horrible to say, but if you get diabetes and your body will just try to urinate out all that sugar as it cant store it. my mate lost 100lbs and he couldnt understand why but it turned out to be diabetes as his diet was attrocious (chocolate daily, sweets, coke etc) even tho he wasnt necessarily over his daily calorie intake