Hello.....New....Help With Plan?

sianny4 Posts: 2
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hello All,

I'm new on here, I'm currently on week 2 of my diet, i'm doing a 1000 calorie limit each day, i am usually under and reach the 700-800 mark.
I do three fitness classes a week and gym in the evenings about 3 x a week too.

Is this all okay? I have lost 9lb in my first week but now i'm reading about starvation mode and don't eat under or you'll gain weight so now i'm confused!

Any help would be great!



  • Um yeah, 1,000 is really bad. Really Bad. especially since you are doing cardio. If I were you. I would go on a site to see, how many cal you can do a day to lose 2lbs a week,
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    It depends too where those 1000 calories are coming from? depends how much calories you are burning at class too? But in general, I'd say you'd be better off increasing to at least 1000 calories a day, but be careful of what kidn of calories they are---more lean protein and veggies and less carbs would be my suggestion.
  • From your description, it sounds like you are serious about weight loss and health. I would invest in a Body Bugg. That way you know for sure how many calories on average you can burn a day. For example, my fitness pal said I should eat 1250 a day. Then I got a Body Bugg and realized I burn 1700 on a sedintary day, 2200 on an active day - not including exercise. Now I know I can eat 1550 calories a day, and still lose weight comfortable. I lose on average a pound a week, don't feel like I'm starving, and feel like I'm creating a lifestyle I can live with. Anyway, that's my two cents. Good luck. Oh - one more thing - Body Buggs are kinda expensive - so if you want you can buy one, use it for a couple of weeks, then resell it on craigslist or something. Good Luck!
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    @luv2ash, Your before and after pictures are truly amazing!! Nice job on your weight loss journey!
  • There is a forum topic post, something like "Newbies Please Read, 2nd Edition" that's very informative. Its great to see weight loss, but if you're only gett 800-900 calories per day, your metabolism is going to start slowing down and so will your weight gain. I've read in multiple places that 1200 calories is about the lowest you can go and still be healthy. Its also good to remember that if you're not feeding your body enough, it won't just tap into fat stores for fuel, it will tap into your muscles as well, and you could start losing muscle mass, which isn't good either. If you're wanting to be healthy, I think you would be better off eating more and losing weight at a more moderate pace, although I know its so hard to be patient when it comes to weight loss!
  • Aetarac
    Aetarac Posts: 135 Member
    You might want to read up eating that few calories the body starts to break down lean muscle mass because it is not getting enough energy from food. Also what would be a concern is proper nutrition. I have heard of plans that call for that low of Kcal intake but those are usually monitored by doctor or at least a dietitian. Even then i think they are a bit extreme. I wish you luck in your goals and a healthy weight loss.
  • I agree with previous posters that such a deficit can actually reverse or halt your progress. If you can't stand the thought of increasing calories (because its been beaten into our heads that less cals equals weight loss) you may try and stick right at 1200 cals on the days you aren't working out and on the days you are, increase your intake to about 15-1600 at least. Of course this all depends upon your body and what you burn when sedentary and then add the cals burnt from exercise so that is just an example. I understand where you are coming from though because I've been coming in at about 800-1100 net cals on the days I work out and its hard to get in sync with your body. Just remember that your muscles need extra protein to grow and the bigger your muscles become, the more fat you will burn!
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