"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 6

"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day

-I would like to invite anyone who would like to join this Challenge. We are a bunch of ladies, few gents that are here to lose weight. We make small weekly challenges to keep us going. Anyone is welcomed.. No matter who far we get into the challenge.. You ARE welcomed!

Week 6 of 6 (lets rock this last week)


How are your THREE faults coming along?

Week 6 is going to be WIlDCARD week.

Challenge 1 - Week 6
(02/07) - Try a new homemade recipe
- Get your drink on
- Try a new healthy recipe
- Make ATLEAST one homemade meal this week
Challenge 2 - Week 6
(02/07) - Try a new workout
- try some toning exercises\
- Change up your exercise a bit with a new style
- Create a homemade Workout/Routine..
Challenge 3 - Week 6
(02/07) - Try a new.. Pampering
- Celebrate Non Scales time during the week
- Do something nice for someone else,
- Take 30 minutes sometime this week to “pamper” yourself
Challenge 4 - Week 6
(02/07) - Try a new Yoga Pose, or a new "method" of meditation
- Meditation
- meditate at least two times.(or read a book)


Submit your water bottle designs. I decided to change it a little bit. Create a design on your water bottle, and or create a design for a "label".. Show your love for "H20" maybe help promote our group a little.. The winner of this little contest will receive a small gift in the mail from me.. :) We will extend this thru next weeks challenge.. Submission by 02/14..

This is our Last week for this challenge.. Remember to record your weight at http://bit.ly/h2DHFP on next Monday.. :)

Ending of the challenge means we need a new one.. we still need more ideas.. so far we have..
Easter/Spring Challenge? H2O's 20(lbs) Bunny Challenge
H20 20 pounds of Spring Shedding Challenge
H20 20 Pounds of Beautiful Bunny Challenge

Quote of the week -

Hope everyone enjoys week 6.. lets rock this ladies.. :) heres to an end of a great challenge.. hoping we have some healthy ladies next challenge.. sorry for the short delay..



  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Starting weight for this challenge: 177.0 lbs
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 169.9 lbs.
    Current weight for this challenge: 168.0

    And still a week left to go! Whoo hoo!

    No input from me on the next challenge title - I'll stick with H20 regardless :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Can't stick around very long, but I'll read up on everything once I get home from the dentist.. <3
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Starting weight for this challenge: 177.0 lbs
    Goal Weight for this challenge: 169.9 lbs.
    Current weight for this challenge: 168.0

    And still a week left to go! Whoo hoo!

    No input from me on the next challenge title - I'll stick with H20 regardless :)

    Of course well keep h20,, :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Im feeling positive again for this week, hoping for a drop however small :D

    Good luck everyone.
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Only lost 0.2 lbs this week - gained a little back - but it's still progress, so I'll take it!

    Does anyone have any good suggestions for homemade recipes? I have my old favorites that I love to make, but I would like to try something new. This week my goal is to focus on healthy and being under my calories.

    Count me in for the next challenge as well!

    CW 178
    GW 175
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I wish I could be more active, but I will be laying low for quite awhile. Procedure took 15min once the gas knocked me out. Best sleep I've had in a month!! I have my meds now and I'm home. Now, on the road to recovery. This is gonna be a long week as my Godmothers Grandma passed away on Saturday, the wake is tomorrow.. Hope you all are having a MUCH better week than I.
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    My weight as of last Friday 302.2 lbs. 1.6 lbs away to have lost 50. I had a terrible weekend with food. I was craving for salty food all weekend long. Nothing was satisfying my cravings... I was really bad. Today is a new day!

    April I love your though of the week and the graphic also.

    I won't have much time to exercise this week since I'm leaving Thursday night for my daughter's hockey tournament. The good part of it is that I will be staying at my cousin's house so I won't need to eat out in restaurant all the time but won't have time to exercise much. Oh well I'll do what I can and we will see what happens.

    Have a great week everyone. I can wait till spring is here. The temperature is not going up at all. It's not as bad as in January when it was minus 46 but it stays in the minus 25 and 30... I can't wait to go for a walk outside. Getting sick of the treadmill.:sick:

  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I wish I could be more active, but I will be laying low for quite awhile. Procedure took 15min once the gas knocked me out. Best sleep I've had in a month!! I have my meds now and I'm home. Now, on the road to recovery. This is gonna be a long week as my Godmothers Grandma passed away on Saturday, the wake is tomorrow.. Hope you all are having a MUCH better week than I.

    Glad you are back home from the dentist Bru. Hope your week gets better.

    Get well! Take care!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bru, as I said in the other thread, keep your head up! We're here for you! :-D

    I will weigh in tonight. I don't think I ever updated the chart from last week though.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    The weight is the same. Talk about consistency! I keep logging in, try to eat right...but have not really pushed to exercise. It really is this time of year. Can't stand the gloom! The sun has been out a little.... so I hope that brightens myspirits! I am going on the treadmill today...that is my goal!

    Have a wonderful week everyone! Congrats to those who are celebrating a loss!

  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    Quickly checking in!
    Another 1lb loss :smile:

    SW 153
    CW 148
    GW 146

    I weighed myself on Friday morning just before we went away for a long weekend. If I lose anything this week I will be amazed, a maintain will be fine:smile:
    Got home at lunch time and managed to get on the tea time spin class at the gym tonight, now have a mountain of laundry to sort out plus loads more.
    3 days off mfp, and I start tracking again tomorrow.
    Good luck to everyone, I will try to catch up with everyone's news over the next few days.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    See? I can keep track....Sometimes :) LOL

    Bru - hope you feel better soon....I had dental surgery not long ago and it's not fun in the least :(
    April - I kinda like the spring one (Spring Slimmer, I think)....but they're all good

    Congrats to all that have lost and congrats to all that have maintained over the course of the challenge. Did anyone else find January/February to be almost as difficult as December was in terms of actually losing weight?

    Seems like I lost a weigh in somewhere....oh well. My weigh in this morning was 235.2 (which is 0.3lbs down from my last one - putting me at 6.6lbs lost since the beginning of the challenge. I WILL close out at over 7lbs lost for this challenge!!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'll get back in here to comment on everyone's updates, but I wanted to get the chart link in here. It has been updated to reflect losses up to Week 5.

    H20 Weigh-In Log: http://bit.ly/h2DHFP
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Starting weight for the challenge: 237.4
    Goal weight: 229

    I am not weighing myself this week. Had Hubs hide the scale Monday morning after a bad weekend. I need to focus, and the daily numbers were getting to me. He'll give it back Sunday I think, so until then it's just work and commitment!

    I started a new workout today. Jillian's 30DS. It's HARD!
    I've also re-started water watch. I am horrible about water, I always have been. I've been really good the last 4 days though, and am continuing that trend the rest of the week.

    It's a blizzardy kind of day today. Going to work (I guess, LOL!) and hang out with the girls and worry about Hubs out on the roads. Then later I get to go out in it (it should be done snowing, at least, by then) and re-stock my kitchen! I am out of everything, I have NO idea how I'm going to eat healthfully today. Here's hoping.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm down to 168.8! I'm .3 away from 10 pounds even!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    SW: 299
    Wk 2: 300
    Wk 3: 300
    Wk 4: 300
    CW: 296
    GW: 292

    Current Weight loss.. 3 pounds.. :) yay and I havent even been trying.. hope it keeps getting better.. I have to wing myself back off of pop.. :( blah.. I did soo good then i started drinking it again.. i need to stop drinking 7up too.. thats my biggest down fall..
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Anyone wanting some good homemade recipes for the week, check out Gina's Skinny Recipes (www.skinnyrecipes.com)... I'm havnig Greek Turkey Meatballs tonight, and have some Chicken Avocado Soup in the freezer for lunch sometime later this week. Really great MOSTLY healthy recipes that your non-slimming family members will like, too :happy:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    jsecret - *bow* you're a freakin' rock star! Congrats on surpassing the challenge!!

    bjshooter, keep that positivity going!

    violet_810 - you're only three pounds away from your goal! That's great. One of my go-to places for recipes is (don't hate me/scold me) the Campbell's website. One of our favorite recipes is chicken rice with cream of mushroom soup. It is seriously the easiest thing to make. You put all of the recipes in a casserole dish, pop that sucker in the oven, and then in about 40 mins you've got a really satisfying comfort food dinner.

    Bru, I'm sorry you guys keep getting hit with unhappy things. :( Glad you got great sleep while in the dentist's chair, though! I do love happy gas. :laugh:

    Chantal, wow! Almost at a 50 pound loss...that is fantastic news. Have fun with the hockey tournament!

    nursee, a maintain is better than a gain! How was the treadmill?

    casey_when_u_go, WTG on the loss and for being so close to the goal!

    fitterpam - I'm TOTALLY finding Jan/Feb to be harder than December. I've completely plateaued since Christmas and haven't seen the scale go down one bit. Inches are getting smaller, but still, oy! But look at you - you're a sneeze away from hitting the 7lb challenge. Go you!

    ashley0616, congrats on getting back on the water wagon. And good for you for starting 30DS. Everyone seems to love that program. You'll find a happy medium with checking yourself on the scale.

    ceelovejay - YAY!!

    April - congrats on the loss! That's great. You'll get away from the soda again. Maybe just really tell yourself you're not allowed to have it. Like, it isn't even an option. Just have a water bottle with you always.

    emilysebastian, thanks for the website! I'd never heard of it and both of those dishes you mentioned sound really great.

    As for me, I'm feeling good but don't know what the scale holds for me tomorrow. Went and hit the track tonight and got in 2.93 miles in 46 minutes. I was doing a run/walk with a friend and she walked while I ran, but we ended up talking while briskly walking. It was really great being back out there. I feel like a wimp complaining about this, but at 49 degrees it was cold out there! Not used to that.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    jsecret - *bow* you're a freakin' rock star! Congrats on surpassing the challenge!!

    bjshooter, keep that positivity going!

    violet_810 - you're only three pounds away from your goal! That's great. One of my go-to places for recipes is (don't hate me/scold me) the Campbell's website. One of our favorite recipes is chicken rice with cream of mushroom soup. It is seriously the easiest thing to make. You put all of the recipes in a casserole dish, pop that sucker in the oven, and then in about 40 mins you've got a really satisfying comfort food dinner.

    Bru, I'm sorry you guys keep getting hit with unhappy things. :( Glad you got great sleep while in the dentist's chair, though! I do love happy gas. :laugh:

    Chantal, wow! Almost at a 50 pound loss...that is fantastic news. Have fun with the hockey tournament!

    nursee, a maintain is better than a gain! How was the treadmill?

    casey_when_u_go, WTG on the loss and for being so close to the goal!

    fitterpam - I'm TOTALLY finding Jan/Feb to be harder than December. I've completely plateaued since Christmas and haven't seen the scale go down one bit. Inches are getting smaller, but still, oy! But look at you - you're a sneeze away from hitting the 7lb challenge. Go you!

    ashley0616, congrats on getting back on the water wagon. And good for you for starting 30DS. Everyone seems to love that program. You'll find a happy medium with checking yourself on the scale.

    ceelovejay - YAY!!

    April - congrats on the loss! That's great. You'll get away from the soda again. Maybe just really tell yourself you're not allowed to have it. Like, it isn't even an option. Just have a water bottle with you always.

    emilysebastian, thanks for the website! I'd never heard of it and both of those dishes you mentioned sound really great.

    As for me, I'm feeling good but don't know what the scale holds for me tomorrow. Went and hit the track tonight and got in 2.93 miles in 46 minutes. I was doing a run/walk with a friend and she walked while I ran, but we ended up talking while briskly walking. It was really great being back out there. I feel like a wimp complaining about this, but at 49 degrees it was cold out there! Not used to that.

    Ill trade you, your 49 degrees for our single digits weve had this week. we have a day coming up thats supposed to be in the negatives.. haha.. ;) just giving you a hard time pink.. :)
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks a bunch for the challenge!! Just wanna say that the graphics at the beginning of each week are awesome! Great idea to post the chart in Google charts.

    Bru- glad yer done with the surgery and here’s hoping you have a quick and full recovery. Love the laughing gas too, but hate the drooling while yer waiting for the freezing to wear off. I also had a hard time motivating myself, but I started hot yoga and I think I’m addicted. I’m hoping to start my C25K again when the weather warms up. Single digits would be great, Just hoping for out of the negatives lol (Canada).
    April Val-congratz on the loss and hope all goes well for you soon.
    Jsecret- yer a machine girl, great job on your success.!! You must be very proud!!
    Pink-congratz on the loss and I love yer new pic!! I’m really trying to get back into running again, buts its hard to motivate myself.
    Fitterpam-yer so close!! You’ll do it I’m sure. Congratz on your success, great job on the hard work.
    Chantal yer disappearing holy moly you killed it!! Great job!
    Violet – loss is a loss congratz!! I’m a vegetarian, if you would like some veggie recipies, I would be happy to post!!
    Ceelove- hope yer gonna reward yourself for your great success!! I see new spring shoes in the mix. Great job!!
    Nurse- keep it up, youll get there before you know it.

    Thank you all for letting me be a part of it. Count me in for the next one, but I don’t have any ideas what to call it. Lol!! It’s been really fun to check in and hear from you all.

    Have a great last week everyone!! If I have missed anyone, I’m sorry, but I’m cheering you on to do great!!