Isagenix......??have you tried?

has anyone tried this weight loss cleanse? if so what did you think of it? did it work? how long did you do it for?


  • dncr8707
    has anyone tried this weight loss cleanse? if so what did you think of it? did it work? how long did you do it for?
  • Sunibc22
    Hey there,
    Yes I tried it. I found that the shakes taste pretty good as do the bars etc, etc. I did lose weight quickly as well but found it extremely hard eating so little solid food. On the cleanse day once a week I was irratable, emotional, and all around miserable!! I did it for 1 month...then went off for 2 weeks...gained everything back.....then went on for another month and lost again but once I went off I gained back again. It's a quick fix but I don't think it's a lasting one. I've decided to work on changing my eating habits to being healthy instead of a quick fix.
    Good luck with it though if you're going to try it.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I haven't tried weight loss cleansing, but every three months, I do paragone cleansing. It takes the parasites out of your system so you won't have sugar and nasty food cravings. I feel so much better when I do it.....
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    I have done it twice and it worked really well the first time, not as well the second. I think it's worth trying once, but probably not doing it more than 1x/year. I lost 12 lbs the first time in 11 days and probably put 2 lbs back on of that. I actually felt really good after doing it. The knots in my back were almost gone, I felt very awake and energized. I was working out pretty hard at that time and ate more on the cleanse days than what was recommended....but my personal trainer told me to do so. I also had a naturopath on hand who sold me the program, so that helped. I would suggest working with someone who knows the product, just in case you have issues. Good luck!