
queenofdisney Posts: 65
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a law student so December is a horrible month for weight loss with finals in full swing and Christmas treats that are tempting. I am staying strong and trying to do my best but to make up for what December is lacking, I plan on taking a Zumba class during the winter break.

I am a pretty big girl and I am kind of shy trying out new fitness things in a group setting so I guess I am asking for comments on what Zumba is all about. I've been working out for years at gyms but never did a group class out of fear of looking like the fat stupid girl. Is Zumba a good group fitness class to start out with? I can also choose Spinning or Kickboxing.

Thanks for the advice!!!!


  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I love my Zumba class, I also take a spin class. The spin class burns more calories for me. I am by far the largest person in the class at 240ish. My Zumba class is my choice for the most fun ( I still sweat a lot in it) I am not the largest person in that class. Good luck and have fun no matter which you choose.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    Zumba is awesome!!! =] You will love it.... The first few times you will feel like you have two left feet but you will still sweat and have a ball...

    I often find im wiping sweat out of my eyes and everywhere else... Lol i grin so much during class i get sore cheeks sometimes... I dont think anyone cares if they arent doing the right moves in zumba simply cause its soooo much fun!!! =]
  • I started doing Zumba at 270lbs and taking breaks every 15 min. so i think you can do it!!! just go at your own pace and you will see as time goes by you'll be in better shape. Zumba has worked for me its a good,fun workout and you burn lots of calories : )
  • I Love Zumba, but do low-impact versions of some fo the dances,m because returning to exercise at 68, i find I get too sore otherwise. My teacher always says it's important to warm up and cool down to avoid feeling too sore...Just enjoy and don't worry about feeling silly!!!
  • saraeyster
    saraeyster Posts: 14 Member
    Your weight loss is for you not them and trust me no one will be watching you they will be consentrating on themselves. Go have fun try new things, you have to start some where. You only live once try as many new things as you can. I used to feel the same way when I would go to the gym but then I just told myself who cares if anyone is watching me, they must like what they see if they have to stare. Society makes me laugh on the topic of overweight people because you feel damned if you do and damned if you don't. People will always make rude remarks about bigger people and then they still want to make rude remarks when they see them exercising, but screw them.
  • i love zumba you burn so many calories with out even knowing!:wink::smile:
  • Thanks guys I think I'm going to give Zumba a shot!!!!!!

    But how can you tell how many calories you burn? I guess I'll have to figure out this heart rate monitor LOL
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    been to zumba once and got dizzy at the end. It was fun though i was the fattest there...
  • Zumba by far is the reason I lost 35 pounds. It doesn't feel like exercise. Even if you don't get the moves right away, you are still moving and it's a total body workout. You will burn so many calories in one class. It depends on your weight & heart rate of course but for me at 190 pounds I would burn upto 600 calories a class.
    The classes I take is very diverse. Young old big little and everyone in between. My first 3-4 classes I honestly thought I would pass out - but it was so much fun I didn't mind at all. Now, 7 months later, I feel like I could lead the class (obviously I shouldn't because I have no rythm) but it makes me
    feel so alive!
    I hope you enjoy it! And just so you know- I started right at 200 pounds. And within the first 30 days of just doing Zumba 3 days a week, I went from a 18 to a 14 and lost 12 pounds. My arms lost over an inch each and I lost 4 inches in my hips! One month!!!

    Try it!!! It might just become a new addiction for you!
    Oh, and don't worry if your not getting it or if you can't keep up! EVERYONE in that class had to start somewhere and EVERYONE of them didn't get it right away and probably didn't keep up either!
    Good luck! Take before and after messurments and pics!!
  • 35yearplan
    35yearplan Posts: 7 Member
    Ok, so maybe I missed the answer to this, but I am going to Zumba tomorrow and I was trying to see what the numbers would be like if I added it to my exercise tracker. Why is it not something we can choose from? I am new to this whole site and don't have a clue how to add something new... I don't have a heart rate monitor...it seems so many people are doing this type of exercise it should be in the database. Am I missing something? Help!!
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    I just ordered a Zumba DVD workout for home and expect it any day now. I was looking for something 'fun' add to my exercise. I LOVED dance aerobics when I was in college. I am so glad to hear from someone NOT on TV that this works really well. I so want to be able to wear shorts this summer again and feel stronger. Thank you for posting this and letting me know how well it really does work! I am hoping to do Zumba 4-5 days a week.
  • sdb903
    sdb903 Posts: 85
    I just started going to zumba this week and I totally love it!!!!!!! I also just went and bought the zumba game for Wii and cant wait to try it......
  • chiccaroline
    chiccaroline Posts: 17 Member
    Ok, so maybe I missed the answer to this, but I am going to Zumba tomorrow and I was trying to see what the numbers would be like if I added it to my exercise tracker. Why is it not something we can choose from? I am new to this whole site and don't have a clue how to add something new... I don't have a heart rate monitor...it seems so many people are doing this type of exercise it should be in the database. Am I missing something? Help!!

    Hi, I think most people who don't have a HRM log it as aerobics. I use a HRM because although people on here have described burning between 500-1200 in an hour, according to my HRM I've never burned more than 600 and that's going flat out putting my all into it for the hour and I weigh just under 200lbs.
  • I start a Zumba class tonight - can't WAIT!!!
  • Crystals422
    Crystals422 Posts: 382 Member
    I wen to my first zumba class tonight as I loved it. My hrm said I burned 566. I was dripping sweat. I just made sure I kept moving even if I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I do agree that there is all kinds of people in the class. I wonder why some people who weight the same as me don't burn that many calories. Maybe I had a really good teacher. I know to only count about 500 of the 566 due to having to subtract my resting calories.
  • bsgoodrich
    bsgoodrich Posts: 4 Member
    Did you order that Zumba DVD set on the TV? Since you posted this in February, I was just wondering if you got it and how you are liking it.? I am thinking about ordering it. I tried Zumba on Youtube.com last night and loved it. I can't afford to go to the gym over and over and pay but I might be able to do a one time fee.

  • Laura_Helen
    Laura_Helen Posts: 8 Member
    I just downloaded a zumba video and can't wait to try it later!! I usually walk on the treadmill (or outdoors now that the weather is nicer) but I want to try something different. An old friend of mine swears by it and does it all the time! I'm hoping to do it at home first by myself until I'm a little more comfortable with the moves and then try a class!
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