30 day shred AND half marathon training?

Hi there folks! So I know there's about 1,000 posts on each one of these topics individually, but has any one ever tried to do the 30-day shred while training for a race? My current race training program has two strengthening days. I'm thinking of many incorporating the 30-day shred in 3 or 4 times a week. I know you're supposed to do it EVERY day to get the best out of it, but I'll be training for quite some time and don't want to burn myself out in the beginning.

Has anyone done it? Do you think I'll still tone up and get stronger if I only do it three days a week? I'm also curious about her abs one (bathing suit season is coming up and I'm determined to rock a bikini this summer!!!). Anxious to hear your stories and suggestions!!


  • mapnerd2005
    I'm training for a half marathon too. It's in October. I tried the 30-day shred a couple months ago and didn't really care for it. I was bored with it after a couple days and according to my HRM I wasn't burning nearly the amount of calories I could burn doing other activities that I enjoyed more.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I only do the shred every 2nd day as I beleive you should always give the muscle group a day of rest to rebuild. I only do cardio (mostly running) on the alternate day.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    How many days a week are you running and for how long? I would say if you're running 4 days a week and your weekly mileage is under 30 miles, then doing it 2-3 times a week shouldn't be a problem. As far as results, any kind of exercise you do is going to make a difference. Will you see the same results as someone that does it 7 days a week? Probably not.

    I tried doing P90X while training for triathlons...it was simply too much.
  • StarletteS
    StarletteS Posts: 28 Member
    I am kind of doing the same thing. My 1/2 marathon will be on June 25th of this year. I'm not sure if it's ok to do but it seems to be helping me. It would be nice to hear from someone who has already done a 1/2 or full marathon...

  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks for bringing up this topic!! I am currently training for my first full marathon and run 3 days a week. This leaves 4 days for me to either rest or cross train. Some friends and I are going to start the 30-day Shred video this week. I'm worried I will be too sore to run, especially if I do the "Shred" those 4 other days. I'm not a great runner to begin with. Any suggestions/recommendations/thoughts/ideas would be appreciated!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Great thread!! I am currently in the midst of training for my second half marathon. I just ran my first on 1/23 and my next one is on 4/17. My training plan has me running 3 days per week and my highest mileage week is about 20 miles. I did my first day of 30DS last night and I think I am going to use it for my strength/cross training days to mix things up a bit. When I trained for my first half, I only did my running plan, but think that this time I want to incorporate the strength training, which I am sure will only make me a stronger runner and also to develop some tone. Let's go for it!!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Thanks for bringing up this topic!! I am currently training for my first full marathon and run 3 days a week. This leaves 4 days for me to either rest or cross train. Some friends and I are going to start the 30-day Shred video this week. I'm worried I will be too sore to run, especially if I do the "Shred" those 4 other days. I'm not a great runner to begin with. Any suggestions/recommendations/thoughts/ideas would be appreciated!

    What kind of a training plan are you using? And when is your marathon? I have some great plans that I've been using to plan my training... perhaps we could keep each other honest about the running? I'm not a great runner either. I started running so I could get my dogs tired enough to leave me alone for a few hours :laugh: but now I'm training for a half marathon!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I'm using this "Smart Coach" training plan I got from Runner's World magazine's website. I plugged in my time for my last half marathon, my full marathon date (October 16), how hard I wanted to train (moderate) and something else I can't remember. It used all that and came up with a 40 week plan (yes, it will take me that long to train, lol). I don't run less than 6 miles any day and my "long run" day is Saturday. I also run Mondays and Wednesdays. I have done 7 half marathons since October 2009, but I have only half-assed the training. But I know I can't do that with a full marathon.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
    Thanks for bringing up this topic!! I am currently training for my first full marathon and run 3 days a week. This leaves 4 days for me to either rest or cross train. Some friends and I are going to start the 30-day Shred video this week. I'm worried I will be too sore to run, especially if I do the "Shred" those 4 other days. I'm not a great runner to begin with. Any suggestions/recommendations/thoughts/ideas would be appreciated!

    What kind of a training plan are you using? And when is your marathon? I have some great plans that I've been using to plan my training... perhaps we could keep each other honest about the running? I'm not a great runner either. I started running so I could get my dogs tired enough to leave me alone for a few hours :laugh: but now I'm training for a half marathon!