Cycling 24 miles a day now to work. i'm sure this could be t

pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
i've decided to ditch the car and get back to cycling to work again, its12 miles each way. According to most calorie trackers its about 700 cals a ride and threrfore 1400 a day burnt. I'm sure I'm going to have to up my calories!


  • I'm in the same boat. I do 26 a day, 50 each Sat, and 85 every other Sun (weather permitting). I never get within 2,000 calories on my exercise goal. I guess I should eat a Clif Bar every two miles!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    have you had much success?
  • Cool, guys! Weather permitting, I cycle 4 miles to work one way. Don't ride home at night, because it's midnight. Sounds like you are really going to up the cals. Enjoy being green, and getting fit all in one.
  • Actually, yes. I drop 4-5 pounds a week. I've been doing 40 mile days this week to prep up for a 100 mile ride this weekend. I might take some Clifs for that ride, normally I don't fuel before a ride. I guess I'm breaking all the rules!

    Chickabittie - Keep at it, it will do you a world of good.
  • I have thought about biking to and from work. I am not sure a way to get to work. I will have to look into this. Plus I think this would be a great way to get into shape for Ragbrai this year.
  • How early do you guys have to get up in order to make it to work on time? Oh long does the ride usually take?
  • You're going to love this. I have to be at work at 6:00AM. It's 12.5mi, but there is a 400 ft climb each way (seriously there is a hill between home and work). There is a 15 minute change into work clothes, plus 5 minute contingency for flats (thanks to new tires, this is not used, but you never know. So the magic time I leave: 4:40AM! I get off at 2:30, and it's an hour almost to the minute.
  • If you want to see my commuter, it's the last picture on my profile. I put new brake pads on it last night (learn to do your own repairs, that helps a lot).
  • The only problem is that mine commute would be a little rough. I would have to ride through some bad parts.... Not sure if it would be worth it or not specially since I would be biking alone.. Plus some of these streets are really busy and there are a lot of people that are not fans of bikers... I have mixed feelings about it... eeekkkkk.
  • Mine is through a lower, mediocre neighborhood, then a rich neighborhood and finally what they affectionately refer to as "The Barrio". I have had no human problems, but have seen dogs, which is why I carry pepper spray. I run into traffic in the afternoon. They are not fans of bikers, but when I act like a car (take their lane) they back off. In California that's legal!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I'm highly, highly jealous.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    No traffic anywhere is bike friendly. Most commuters hate you! Just be careful for yourself cause they wont be.
  • great to see another commuter. I ride to and from work also 60miles RT!

    good stuff!
  • 60M rt???? Wow!! That is awesome!!!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    My ride is about 12.5 miles depending which way I go, I have to be at work at 6am, get up at 545, on the bike for 5. Yesterday I broke my record and did the trip in 44minutes, happy :D
  • Good job! Breaking records feels great. I used to really push myself to spped commuting times. That was in the fast tire days. Now, I run a more puncture resistant tire, which is slower.

    I broke a record for myself this weekend. 110mi in 7:59. I've always wanted to do 100, now I have.
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