hit a massive low point

Squible Posts: 359 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
As I type this I am lying on my bed with my laptop proped on my stomach feeling incredibly sorry for myself.

Last week the scales showed I had lost nealr 7-8lbs, and I felt FANTASTIC! I Was on such a high I felt thinner and I felt alot happier and even thought I could see a difference.

A few days later I go to boots and I weight myself on one of their machines.....I'd lost NOTHING! The machine showed the same weight I had a few weeks ago. I felt gutted.

Got home and weighed myslef onthe scales again, and now they say that I had lost nothing!

SO I had either actuially lost nothing the other week and my scales lied to me or I had lost 7-8lbs and then managed to put it ALL back on again over a weekend.

But anyway. I am now feeling incredibly deflated and have just given up I'm eating badly again and just given up caring. Stress at work really hasnt been helping and the possiblity that I have shin splints and it is just incredibly painful to walk or stand or even sit sometimes due to my legs really hasnt been helping.

Just feel like a failuer and after such a high I was on the other week I just now want to curl up in a hole and cry....oh and Eat ALOT!


  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Hang in there! I felt the same when I stepped on the scale this morning. Last week's weigh-in showed a fabulous 210.6, and I was ecstatic! Finally made it over my plateau, and now I can really get grooving... This morning, back up to 216.0.

    Experience has proven to me that a lot of that is water weight, as I hadn't been controlling my sodium too well this week. Some of it is TOM - and I normally gain 2-3 pounds on that.

    There could be a number of reasons that the scale isn't too friendly today, but realize... that's just TODAY!! Don't give up... You saw progress, and you can do it again - and surpass it!!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    What is boots? Are you wearing the same clothing, same day of the time and week? If not that might be why the numbers are different. You should also always measure on the same scale. Place one some where in the house and leave it there. You shouldn't be moving or using different scales.
  • klish
    klish Posts: 6 Member
    I get it! I had lost really quickly and now that I'm working out more and eating less the scale is telling me I'm gaining. Its a horrible feeling to try and fail at something. I think if we hold our head up high and kick the scale to the curb for at least two weeks then possibly it will tell us what we want to hear then.
    Weight means so much less then how you feel. Do you feel fat? I know the scale tells me I am but I am feeling better then I have in a long time. It'll get better for sure!!!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know it is the most frustrating thing to have happen. Your body can fluctuate alot throughout the day and throughout the week. I think the bigger issue here is you are lettling that number on the scale control your mood way more than it should. Way more.

    We all want to have a postive outcome. was there a reason you expected that much of a weight loss? that seems like a lot on any given week. maybe if you were sick or dehydrated. Maybe you had a gain the week before? I think you need to look at the average of the last few weeks and see if you are ahead of the game.

    Maybe you need to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and redefine failure. You are still here, looking for ways to make it better. I think you will be fine just don't bank on the scale so much. It will let you down.
  • hey I know how you feel but don't give into it!
    first throw out all the junk food in your house ALL of it chips,cookies,ice cream,etc.
    so it'll help you not get tempted.
    and second the moment you walk through your house door don't sit,eat and stress!go read a book,play online,or something to get your mind off of work.
    you can do it!
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Boots chemist it is a pharmacy store and they have proper weighing scales that can measure your body fat as well although I dont trust that.

    Hmm dont really have the space to be leaving the scales in one place. They are electronic ones? DOnt know if that makes a difference though.
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    ditto to the last person. if it's getting close to "that time" each month, you could be retaining water. i almost cried when i realized that i'd gained 5.2 lbs in a couple days after losing 4 lbs that took SO MUCH WORK to get off. but then mother nature paid me a visit a couple hours later. i don't weigh myself for a week when that happens because it only gets me upset. keep going! you can do it! start fresh now and don't look back except to learn from it.
  • lbissett79
    lbissett79 Posts: 38 Member
    I am a firm believer that if you give up that easily you were not ready to truly start this journey. Once you have truly committed to this lifestyle nothing can stand in your way. I have been where you are now and the only reason I failed is because I had not hit rock bottom. Once you truly make up your mind to achieve this goal you won't be discouraged this easily.
  • It is so easy to feel like a failure and to blame ourselves for everything that goes wrong, it is not so easy to say hey I can do this and there are people out there rooting for me. We all have our good and bad days we would be lieing if we said we didn't. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself. When I suffered shin splints I found it helpful to at least once a day stand flat footed, roll to my tip toes, back to flat foot, then roll to heel, ending flat footed for a couple of reps. Believe it or not this does help, I was skeptical when a paramedic taught me this but it works wonders, the more times you can stand to do it the quicker your body adjusts and you will soon find you are not getting shin splints as often. And hey dark closets may have hidden food but they get lonely real fast :) Hang in there and let people support you.
  • Don't let that evil invention, the dreaded scale, dictate your happiness and self worth. It's just a number. Weight loss does not happen over night. You can lose inches and the scale will stay the same. Don't give up.
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