
Briacha Posts: 160 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, I need to vent.....I am scared to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee because of the calories...that it when I start to get stressed....
Here is my menu today:

Special K protein shake
coffee w/ fat free french vanilla creamer

Wendys large chili
20 veggie straws

so far two 16.9 oz watwr bottles/....

one boneless pork chop
6 oz white rice

That basically leaves me dry with my 1200 calories. Right now, I wanna sit and enjoy another cup of coffee before I go to my pt night job and I'm thinking, "screw that, that's an extra 35 calories..." I hate water but I make sure I drink atleast five 16.9 water bottles per day. I hate feeling soo scared and sooo guilty to enjoy something simple. Wednesday is my day off from exercise, due to day job, class and night job, but I just did 25 sit ups and 25 pushups so I can enjoy a cup of coffee. Sucks.

I just needed to vent....


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Going over 35 calories is not going to hurt you.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    1200 is considered the MINIMUM calories an adult woman needs per day. Don't be afraid to go over it from time to time. You may find that your body actually needs it.

    And part of staying healthy long term and keeping the weight off is still being able to indulge in some of the things you like. So drink that coffee, and don't feel bad about it :)
  • katebjones
    katebjones Posts: 32 Member
    Enjoy a cup of coffee just measure your creamer.
  • michelletesoro
    michelletesoro Posts: 2 Member
    you are not alone! maybe if you just focus on the weekly goal it might be more helpful. like if you are under your calorie goal on the days you do exercise you can reward yourself with that extra cup of coffee on the day that you don't exercise....
    good luck and don't lose faith!
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Seriously .. DO NOT stress over 35 cals.. its ok.. we all go over from time to time and 35 cals aint going to make a diff!!
  • I am with you! I have switched to black coffee to avoid calories! Oh, well nobody said this would be easy
  • Don't worry. It may take you a day or two more to reach your goal (if you fret over 35 kcals), but in the long term you have to live with this - or you will not last. I have lost even though I have gone over some days. But the main thing is to stick with it, and not give up.

    Good luck to you!!
  • I'm no expert by far but I can tell that your dinner was the highest in calories because of the red meat and white rice. Try to stick to white meats or fish and chicken breasts as much as possible. Also wild rice is the lowest in calories, I just learned that today. I'm a sucker for the coffee creamer too at 35 cals per tbsp it adds up quick since I'm only allotted 1350 cals a day I feel your pain! Best wishes :)
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    there are so many more things in life to stress about then 35 calories........ ENJOY your cup of coffee girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • ERapp01
    ERapp01 Posts: 32 Member
    you can walk for 10 minutes an earn the extra calories to have another cup of coffee :)
  • I would go ahead and enjoy a cup of coffee, you will burn the 35 calories doing something just around the house later, like a little cleaning or maybe a few jumping jacks!
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    I mostly do chicken breasts, but I try to switch it up with pork every once in a while. Big problem of mine is that I do not totally love fish. I wish I did! I love salad, but I can't live on lettuce everyday and I love beans, but black bean burgers are just OK.

    I was thinking of switching to black coffee, we shall see...
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Venting is good for the soul, and helps prevent someone from going postal.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    run in place for 3 or 4 mins and you can earn those 35 calories. cut yourself some slack, i think working two jobs your bmr would put you higher anyway... enjoy... also pepsi max is a great no cal caffine substitute... and its really good way better than diet pepsi.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Very true!!! :)
  • 57gemini
    57gemini Posts: 18 Member
    Your calories are coming from the creamer. I switched from vanilla ff creamer, to regular powder. = 10 cal tsp 2 carbs. (depending which one you buy). Or instead of using 1 tbsp of your vanilla creamer, do 1/2 tbsp. P.s. I drink about 4 cups of coffee a day.
  • Oh gosh I'm afraid I'm going to have to switch to regular 10 cal per tbsp creamer too. I already tried the 1/2 tbsp of the creamer I like and that just didn't cut it for me. I love International Delights French Vanilla, NOT the Fat Free version that's horrible to me.
  • I don't love fish either unless it's fried in a yummy batter LOL I love salads too but was told by the friends on my page to hold the eggs, cheese, croutons, bacon and anything else that I like in it and then to eat a low calorie dressing. Kinda ruins my kitchen sink salads ;)
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    you should take a look at i think you going over 35 calories is not bad if your worried about it you can have half a cup or you can walk around your house for 20 minutes in a fast pace and take care of those 35 calories and burn more !
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