Finding it hard to exercise

I have an autoimmune disease which causes extreme fatigue and I'm having the hardest time exercising. I'm tired all the time, seriously.. But when committed I managed to drop 20 pounds... I am still ok with portion control that I learned but the loss has come to a halt because the lack of exercise... Please give me any tips for just summing up enough energy to go exercise 30 minutes. Any advice at all!!


  • nana4girls
    First and foremost.....have you talked to your doctor? They might suggest certain exercises such as walking to get you started. My daughter has RA and she has the same problem. Sometimes the doctor can also give you a prescription to assist with the fatigue. Good Luck
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Start out a lot smaller than 30 minutes. Walk for 10 minutes. Add just one more minute the next day, and so on. It may not be a "fast" solution, but when faced with exhaustion it is better to move some than none at all.

    Another option- work out first thing when you get up in the morning.
  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I haven't been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, but I understand the fatigue. I would suggest talking with your doctor, but if he okays it, maybe try some stretching. Yoga might work for you. I love to hoola hoop and am trying to work in a few minutes here and there, even during commercials. Maybe you'd enjoy that?