Need help changing from cross trainer to running.....

I have been using the cross trainer at my gym for cardio, it is comparable to the elliptical but targets glutes,hamstrings,calves and thighs.... Even with increasing resistance and time spent on the machine I think my body is getting used to the machine and no longer feel the effects like I would like to. I would like to start running but would like some advice from others who use running as their cardio. I cant run for long periods or time and therefor become discouraged and quit. Does anyone have advice on how to transition my cardio exercise and what I should be doing?


  • kstegall
    DeeDee--Check out Jeff Galloway's website ( He's a former Olympian and Runner's World contributing writer who advocates a run-walk-run program that is totally awesome. Run-walk helps you babystep your way to running long; it saves wear and tear on your joints, and it switches things up so that your body doesn't get used to things too much. And it's not just for folks who can't run w/o stopping. People do run-walk-run because it's fun, and it helps ensure longevity in the sport. You can do it!
  • bex1013
    Do interval training and long runs. I hate running on treadmills, but I have a couple workouts I can do a few times a week.

    My favorite is running a 6, 7, 8, and 9 mph for a minute each. Today I went through 3 sets. It's fast and gets my HR going.

    I try and jog at 6.7 to 7.2 mph for 30-40 min once a week.

    You can change it up by using an incline. I walk at 15% incline at 4.3 mph for 5 min then jog at 5.6 mph (while holding on) for a min.

    Other than that I'm on the cross-trainer too. Good luck!