water weight?

So I used to never drink water. And by never... I mean never ever. I decided to change my ways a couple of weeks ago. I used to always get headaches from dehydration and now I dont. Good thing!! The bad thing is that I feel like it might be making me heavier? I usually lose weight fairly easy.. but now my normal weight loss routine of eating healthy and working out doesnt seem to have the same positive effect when I am fully hydrated. Any clue as to why that is? I figured the excess water would just pass on through but maybe I am wrong, could my body be holding in the water??


  • Aaronc909
    How is your sodium intake? Can't tell from your diary since it isn't on the columns. Water should help flush most of that out pending it isn't astronomically high.
  • jillcaudill
    jillcaudill Posts: 54 Member
    I usually get my full 64 oz a day. I pee a lot! I find my weight will fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day depending on how recently I used the restroom. You will retain that water if you have a high level of sodium in your diet. Do you take your measurements? That is so much more accurate than the scale.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I decided that instead of trying to meet a water quota I just drink when I'm thirsty and cut out all other beverages.. So when I want to drink something with lunch, for example, I'm forced to have some water. Since doing this I've gone back to my normal weight loss!
  • jillcaudill
    jillcaudill Posts: 54 Member
    I actually try to drink my water between meals instead of with them. Water will dilute your stomach acids and slow digestion!