Cheat Days



  • rachelaughe
    rachelaughe Posts: 21 Member
    Well, let me just tell you that yesterday I took a cheat day for the superbowl and I felt like crap all night and even most of the day today! I'm not really sure how the "experts" recomend to go about the cheat day but here is how I do it. I pick one of my days off, either saturday or sunday depending on what is going on, and I dont count calories for that day. I typically try to eat a reasonable portion tho so that I dont totally fall off the wagon. It was worked pretty good so far. I have typically lost 2-4 lbs a week that way.

    Part of the reason I like doing the cheat day once a month is BECAUSE I end up feeling like crap at the end of the day. If I go long periods of time without cheating, I start fantasizing about how AMAZING it would feel to eat whatever I want. If I allow myself to eat whatever I want for that one day, it gets rid of that fantasy and reminds me of how crappy I feel after overeating, and why I am doing this. Then my resolve is stronger than ever.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    I have one every week. Usually Sunday. I don't gorge all day long, but pretty much eat whatever I want. So, if there has been something I am craving, I know I can have it that day, whether it is a particular meal or a candy bar. Keep the body guessing from a plateau standpoint. Granted, I have only been on here about 25 days, but I have lost 7 pounds thus far. Do what you are comfortable with ie once a week, one particular meal a week or once every couple of months. Me it was once a week. Good luck.
  • I do not have cheat days. Every day counts toward me losing weight. I take two days off every week from exercise. The lifestyle change is most important. Cheat days only bring back days of what got me here in the first place.

    I am the same, I just have a break from exercise at the weekends. :-)

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  • VictorVegaJr
    VictorVegaJr Posts: 31 Member
    My Cheat is Sunday lunch with my family on most days! We go out to a nice restaurant and do a full 3 course meal. I'm not horrible on those daye but Im sure the desert I eat pushes me over my calorie limit.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I tend to "cheat" a bit on weekends, but I still mostly stay within my range for calories (probably I go over on sodium though) I don't log that often on weekends since I don't want to get too OCD about logging. I try to have variety and moderation in my diet so that I can still enjoy the foods I love and not feel deprived.
  • This was very educational to read :) Thanks for all the input..I honestly cheat more than I should.. I still stay within calories most days... I just splurge on what I eat more than most, but thats my burden ... So thanks for all the awesome information !!!!!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    I don't consider it cheating. Cheating makes you feel guilty. Every now and then its ok as long as you do it reasonably and portioned sized. I like to say today I'm going to "treat" myself. For example I will put a tablespoon of chocolate chips in my yogurt but I also count it towards my calorie goal for the day. I don't do it all the time. Its the little things I like to do sometimes. Hope that helps.
  • MrsRaia
    MrsRaia Posts: 18 Member
    I have like 3 days a month. If I have no special events planned, then I don't splurge. If I have an event or special occasion planned, then I will splurge. And usually by splurging means, I will have the food I don't normally do- but not a TON of it. And I will have that piece of birthday cake, but I won't add a cookie to it. I just like to enjoy my special occasions. It has yet to affect the weight loss.
  • I don't allow myself a "cheat" day - the guilt kills me and I wallow in chocolate LOL

    so, my hubby & I have "free" days - we can eat what we want when we want and as much as we want without having to explain ourselves to anyone.
    This is usually going out to dinner, or family get together, party etc. So far this year, we have done 5 birthday parties, 4 out to dinner nights, we just eat light during day so we are not "starving" at meal time and eating healthy sticks in our minds pretty good. We try not to say "we are on a diet", we want to make these healthy eating habits permanent changes, so we choose our words carefully when with friends or family.
  • knqtm104
    knqtm104 Posts: 22 Member
    i try to not think of any day being a cheat day. i eat what i did before with some changes: smaller portions, less red meat,more veggies. but i was told from my trainer to not deprive myself. have a "cheat' but make it small. otherwise you may want to go on a cheat binge. so far that has helped me.
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