Looking for support/motivation!

Lose702011 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ... i'm 5'5'' ~200 lbs, looking to lose about 70 lbs overall. i dont know anyone here ... but would love to have friends who are on a similar journey or anyone that can provide inspiration/motivation. thanks!


  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    welcome.. feel free to add me!
  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm in sort of the same boat too. Looking to lose about 100 myself. Add me as a friend if you would like. Congratulations on committing to taking care of you!
  • missie21
    missie21 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Lose702011, I am on the same journey...I am also looking for a friend to give me a push when I need it...I am 232.5 ---I lost 2.5 pounds in one week----I have a long way to go but trying to be focused... best of luck
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your journey.
  • jrhm
    jrhm Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, I started on my journey January 2010; it has been slow but steady until October 2010, now I am in a holding pattern with one pound to loose. However, through mfp I have changed the way I eat, what I eat, and my exercise. I still eat everything I want, just smaller portions. Over the year I have been doing this I have found that it doesn't take as much chocolate to satisfy my craving for it. Heaven help me if I have to give it up totally! Would love to be on your friends list. If there is a Tai Chi school near you, try it out. The first month you will probably feel like a fish out of water, but as you keep doing it you will enjoy it and it is wonderful exercise.:flowerforyou:
  • DeannaOnline
    DeannaOnline Posts: 33 Member
    I'm just starting out myself, I have added you!
  • in 2005 i weighed 245lb (17.5 stones) i now weigh 178lb still on my journey to get to 140lb i know its a long journey i didnt get big over night neither will you, so dont expect miracles in a hurry better to do it slowly and keep it off, i lost 3 stone in the first year, 2 the second, 1/2 the 3rd, and then stayed the same for a good while because i am now a size 14 and quite happy at that, but apparently i am still 2 stone over weight and having arthritis i need to lose it, i am 5 foot 5 tall, if i can lose what i have calorie counting you can do it !! i am totally without will power, so i dont buy crisps or cakes to have in the house any more, but i still have chocolate when i realy need it, you can eat what you want it doesnt have to be torture, you will work out for yourself what keeps you full for longer,dont panic if you go over your calories one day even by a massive amount because as long as by the end of the week you are not over you will lose weight. look at my picture, those are my size 24 trousers
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    First, your mind has to be in it. I have lost 10 lbs in four weeks and I have to have my mind ready to rearrange my schedule to get my work outs in.

    If you use the food tracker and exercise tracker they will definitely help you keep focus.

    You're not alone. We are here to get healthier for ourselves, families and longer lives.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258

    I am new myself, but my journey is different, but still a journey.

    You have it within you to do what you set out to do, and you have proved that by being here and reaching out for support.

    There will be up days and bad days, don't let the bad days consume you. It is helpful to write everyday...what kind of day it was, good, bad, and what made it that way. When a bad day comes around you can read back to a good day and see what was going on, how you felt, and try to recreate it, helps you get back on track and lets you know that not all days are bad. It doesn't have to be a novel, just a few short lines.

    The people here are great, and will be with you through your journey, as I will.
  • thanks, everyone!
  • :flowerforyou: I am just starting out too. You can add me as a friend. I had lapband surgery last week and am doing good. From the things I have researched it is how much you eat at once that will make the differance. If you eat what you like in smaller portions then it will be easier to loose the lbs. We are all here for each other.:bigsmile:
  • yes dont let yourself get hungry, little and often, and some days you will be absolutely starving , eat on those days what you need just make sure its sensible, i have aldi multigrain hoops in because a bowl of them is so low in calories but you feel like you have eaten, its conning your brain, buy smaller plates is my top tip, my mums plates from the 1970's are 3/4 of the size of modern plates, so you look like you have a massive plate of food
  • hotllamarama
    hotllamarama Posts: 26 Member
    hello there! i am on my own journey as well. feel free to add me as a friend! we sometimes need to make friends and have some support and motivation :)
  • :happy: Welcome ! I started 2 weeks ago, i have to lose 40lbs and weighed about 242lbs at start,feel free to add myself as a friend.Good luck on your journey.
  • Hi All,

    I am having a hard time this week. I am hungry and I could not make my appointment for a adjustment. The ice here was too bad for me to drive on. I know that some people can drive on the snow but I never liked doing it. Also I need some suggestions. I need to know if ya'll know of anything that is high in calories and low in carbs. This thing is telling me I need to eat more calories. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:flowerforyou:
  • Can anyone tell me how to add you guys as my friends?
  • uzaida
    uzaida Posts: 3 Member
    Im new to this too! Add me!

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