Benefits of Protein drinks???

Can some one please share with me what benefits protein drinks and shakes have to offer? And what are the best ones to try? Thanks in advance! :smile:


  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    The protein in these is supposed to keep you full at a fraction of the calories. I have found that all the protein shakes I've tried will keep me full for 3-3 1/2 hours. Which is fine, because I'm supposed to eat small meals every 4.
    Personally, there are very few that I like on their own, but if you add fruit and make it into a smoothie, it can jazz up a protein shake.

    I have tried all kinds, atkins, weight watchers, slim fast, and I didn't like these. I have also tried whey powder, its a bit better but not my favorite.

    If you know somebody who sells Shaklee products, they are my favorites! They have great flavors!
    Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and my favorite, cafe latte.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    The protein in these is supposed to keep you full at a fraction of the calories. I have found that all the protein shakes I've tried will keep me full for 3-3 1/2 hours. Which is fine, because I'm supposed to eat small meals every 4.
    Personally, there are very few that I like on their own, but if you add fruit and make it into a smoothie, it can jazz up a protein shake.

    I have tried all kinds, atkins, weight watchers, slim fast, and I didn't like these. I have also tried whey powder, its a bit better but not my favorite.

    If you know somebody who sells Shaklee products, they are my favorites! They have great flavors!
    Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and my favorite, cafe latte.
  • sspearbarrett
    I use Shakeology which is tasty (the chocolate flavor) and you can add milk or extracts like almond. You can only buy it on line however.
  • brwnsugababe

    Check out the link above for additional benefit of protein and protein shakes. I hope this helps.
  • prencesskl
    protein shakes have many benefits. I personally use it to help build up strength before or after a workout, as a meal replacement when I'm running short on time, and sometimes as a snack with fruit or peanut butter. I have tried a lot of different ones, and so has my b/f, Our favorite is Arbonne brand. Check the link in my signature and they are under arbonne essentials fit essentials. They are delicious, all natural, vegan protein, and they don't contain a lot of sugar either. I highly reccommend them : )
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I use Bluebonnet soy protein powder. It's organic, has no genetically engineered ingredients, doesn't use artificial sweeteners and tastes great.

    I use it after I work out to get protein to my muscles quickly so they can repair themselves faster. I'm less sore and my muscles don't hold onto as much water while they recover. They also help fill up some of my exercise calories so I don't have a hard time having to eat so much. It also helps me to get more protein in my diet, which helps me stay fuller for longer and helps keep my body burning fat.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I eat Walker Diet shakes, and I like their taste compared to the other brands. I do the Low Carb thing, and I find they keep me from snacking, and work as a meal replacement.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I eat Walker Diet shakes, and I like their taste compared to the other brands. I do the Low Carb thing, and I find they keep me from snacking, and work as a meal replacement.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    I have always HATED traditional protein powder style products, but I have finally found one I love!! I use Muscle Milk Light, I only use 1 scoop instead of the 2 they recommend, and I mix it with a cup of fat free milk, not water... It goes down well, and I started with the Vanilla Creme flavor, but also now use the strawberry milkshake, and cookies and creme flavor...

    I am still not a breakfast person, so to be able to get my body fired up and burning for the day, without it I would probably still be fat, because I would never have eaten before like 1 in the afternoon. But now, because of the way I've made my body start burning my fuel, I have to eat smaller things more often just because my body really starts telling me in needs it... So, I'm all aout the Protein drinks!!