So mad at myself.

nisharae Posts: 204 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Alright. Shortly said. Im about 5 pounds from hitting my half way point, and being at a weight I dont remember being at for years. Needless to say, I had a horrible day, was uber depressed, the gym was closed due to bad weather and I sit at home and ate more chocolate than Ive consumed in a long time. God I hate myself right now. Im sure I'll gain like 3 pounds from this. That much farther from my goal now I guess.... Tommarrow is a new day I guess. Gonna set some new goals to help me stay motivated. 185 by valentines day is looking pretty impossible.. But 188 might happen if I start working my butt off.... WWWWWahhhh. Sorry just needed to vent.



  • I know how that goes. I eat bad things when I am down and bored!
  • Don't hate yourself for messing up ONE day. Think of it as a cheat day.
    You can start fresh tomorrow, drink lots of water to help flush anything out :).

    Plus, cheat days are sometimes good, because your body gets so used to your routine, and changing it up kicks your metabolism a little bit.
  • slimyfishy
    slimyfishy Posts: 114 Member
    You got that off your chest. You know that you had a bad day. We ALL do. Even those folks that have been at goal for ages. You know what? It is just ONE DAY. Tomorrow is a NEW DAY. You are going to dust yourself off, and learn that you are human. YOU CAN DO THIS! Think about how far you have come. You KNOW you can do this. Don't let one weak moment sabotage your amazing efforts. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!
    Shan :-D
  • You will be fine if you do not beat yourself up. Reaching your goal one week before or after does not matter as long as you reach it at the end. Just relax. One thing I am doing for these situations is analyzing what went wrong and what I could do to prevent it from happening. You have done a great job so far and you will reach your goal.
  • mrmchap
    mrmchap Posts: 31 Member
    Chin up, tomorrow is a new day. Everyone does something at some point that we regret doing. I ate more at dinner tonight than I had planned. While I was eating I didn't give it much thought but as soon as I was done I was instantly mad at myself. I am just now start my weight loss journey and hope I can do as good as you have! *hugs*
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Okay.... you had a bad day. Time to go to bed. Start over fresh and new tomorrow. Leave today behind you. Don't dwell on what happened today, it'll just drag you down. Onward!!

    P.S. Having a bad day makes you human and loveable.
  • I hate when that I have been stressed lately and have grabbed whatever I can to eat. Im sure if I weigh myself today im back at point a...
  • sarbear509
    sarbear509 Posts: 4 Member
    43 lbs lost so far is an amazing task. don't stress over one day you can make it up tomorrow. Look at how far you have come!!!
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I had an awful, sad, and stressful day all packed into one and made some horrible food choices. I hate myself for doing it every.single.time. But with each time I eat poorly, I learn a lesson as to how badly I feel when I eat unhealthy foods as opposed to how amazing and healthy I feel when I make good decisions. I think I'm going to hang up inspiring quotes around my room or print some of my rants about being disciplined so I can ALWAYS be reminded!
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks everyone.... So tommarro is a new day... Now that I had a bad day... Hopefully it'll stay fresh in my mind for a while, and help me to push forward even more.. Im soooo looking forward to seeing 185 on that scale. Ok... I. can. do. this. Thanks everyone. Back on my fitness bus in the am. *Takes deep breathe* Ok. Thanks for all the encouragement.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    At least you don't weigh 215.8 like me.
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    At least you don't weigh 215.8 like me.

    I did, actually 235 to start with. Before you know it you'll be out of the 200's keep up the hard work..... You can do it ;)
  • I had a horrible weekend this past weekend what with the Superbowl and girls night. I was up SEVEN pounds on Sunday night from Friday morning. But I was able to get back down to Friday's weight by this morning. My point being, it's not going to affect you in the long run as long as it's a one time thing that you don't make a habit of. Come back strong and it'll be a memory soon enough.
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