Kia ora from Aotearoa

Hi, I am from New Zealand. I have been doing MFP coming up two weeks. A friend of mine put me onto it and I can't believe how motivating it is to be able to log everything and make sure you stay under the calorie count and do your daily exercise. It's also a huge buzz when you log things in and realise you have done OVER your daily goals {exercise wise}.

What a fantastic tool!!! I have a huge goal and that is to lose up to 60kg! I have done it before and I definitly know I can do it again. I have my motivation and drive back and it feels FANTASTIC!

Today, on a whim, I registered to do a duathlon and in all honesty I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!! I know I can achieve it but cycling 10km and then expecting my body to walk afterwards is going to be a huge challenge. But I can and WILL do it.

So that's me a woman from a wee country way down under with HUGE goals and with MFPs help to get me towards them.

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • kacka68
    kacka68 Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome Kiwi!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    kia ora! north or south island? good luck on your journey!
  • patattheshire
    patattheshire Posts: 123 Member
    good luck
  • Paul_Taylor
    Paul_Taylor Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! Rock on Kiwi! There are lots of fellow kiwis on this site too. Have a great journey!
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    Thanks everyone and Alaskagrown I am a North Islander living in the South Island! I am looking forward to sharing my journey with everyone here.
  • goldenbutterfly
    Hey !! great to see another kiwi on here :)
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi , im from sunny UK lol.

    I think its fantastic that you have set your self such a challange, just believe in yourself and anything is possible. x Goodluck :bigsmile:
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    haha Shandy32, I lived in the Uk for a year I know it aint sunny...fantastic place but weather rubbish hehe. Thanks so much for the encouragement, not sure I really know what I am getting myself this space!
  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    lol it far from sunny out there right now haha
  • chrissyhoys
    Hi all

    I live in Palmerston North in New Zealand, my first day tomorrow

  • BernieGee
    G'day mate from across the Tasman in Australia! (I was born in NZ but have been here all my life)..

    Day 2 for me - so stoked about MFP being there for me along the way as well as reading sooo many inspirational stories...

    Good luck :)
  • chrissyhoys
    Yes isn't it a real fun place
    Anyone interested in a daily post for New Zealand users?
  • chrissyhoys
    Have just posted a daily chat on "chit chat / fun and games" called Daily chat - New Zealand users!!
    Join me, don't want to chat to myself!!