What are your plateau-busting tricks?

givprayz Posts: 328
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I want to get an idea of what people do to break through plateaus. I tend to have to change what I am doing pretty often to keep losing, and I also notice that my losses come in spurts more than a steady stream, even when I am doing the exact same thing day after day. I just want an arsenal of ideas for when I may need them, and I bet others would like that too.
I know to take measurements to be sure it isn't muscle building that is slowing losses, and to watch sodium intake, drink plenty of water, and be aware of TOM for us women. I want the real, tried and true ideas for moving that scale after, say, 3 weeks of sitting at a weight even though 1) Net calories are between 1200 and 1400 each day eating more or less "cleanly", 2) exercising both cardio and strength training in increasing amounts to get DOMS and true fatigue at least 4 times a week, and 3) sodium and water are not the issue.
Thank you all in advance for your great ideas! This is a wonderful community.


  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I want to know too.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I am interested in any ideas that come up! Been stuck for around 5 weeks now.
  • You have to keep changing what you are doing. If you are doing the treadmill, up the incline and do it at a faster pace.
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member

    I too lose weight in spurts. I tend to plateau for 3 weeks and then drop a few pounds... repeat :smile:

    I've found that changing my exercises helps (strength and cardio - changing the machines at the gym, the amount of time I workout, etc). Also having a couple of days eating maintenance level calories rather than my weight loss level.

    I also find that I only lose weight on the weeks that I drink 2 litres of water a day and very little tea/coffee/soda.

  • 1 cheat meal followed the next day by an intense boot camp!
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Take a good hard look at your food diary. Even if you are at your goal net calories, you may be consuming foods that are stalling your progress. Empty calories like alcohol, processed foods, 100 calorie snack packs, excessive amounts of bread, HFCS, etc., could be hurting your progress. If you really want to lose that last bit of weight, cut down on your "cheat" foods with empty calories.

    Good luck!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Try a different workout. Something that you never thought you'd do. So if you're mainly on a treadmill or eliptical, try Zumba or pole dancing or Yoga.

    Plan a day to go over your calories substanially (like 1000 over) and then go back to your plan the next day. Or eat at your maintainence level for a week and then go back on your plan.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    HIIT Training. It helped me keep the muscle and brun off the goo
  • rgibbe2
    rgibbe2 Posts: 3 Member
    I usually do ST twice per week as well as cardio (treadmill, stairs, etc) for an hour 5x's per week. But I like to add a good 20 to 30 minute round of kickboxing into my cardio every few weeks when I feel like the weightloss has stalled. It's a nice change of pace and has kept the lbs coming off for me.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • What I think worked for me; just guessing, was to take a day or two off (more than the normal day off a week). I also didn't run as much as I normally did for a few days, too. Then, started running again my typical time and the pounds have started coming off again.
  • OMG I have the same problem. I can go a week with no loss, then bam a pound. Seems to repeat over and over. And my calorie range is 1200-1400. I wear a BodyBugg, so I can tell what my calorie burn is each day. I'm usually around a 750 calorie deficit each day so you'd think I'd lose 1.5 pounds a week, right? Doesn't seem to be happening that way. I was just thinking this morning I might have to change up my routine a bit so I'm glad you wrote this. I'm interested to see what other kinds of replies you get.
    Hang in there though, I guess it's good the scale is going in the right direction! :) Slow but sure. I also think getting old (for me) has something to do with it. My metabolism isn't what it used to be.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
  • Changing up exercise. If you do the treadmill every day, do a workout video or a Zumba class. I play a lot of racquetball several times a week, but I also incorporate Wii Fitness games with strength training and cardio built in. I also hit the treadmill, bicycle, and free weights.
    Also, changing up your diet I think is good too. To not eat the same things every day I think helps.
  • ChristaS
    ChristaS Posts: 49 Member
    I give myself a cheat day once a week and every few months have a week or two of somewhere near maintenance calories (I actually don't track it but I try to 'behave' while eating more freely). since I started doing that I haven't hit a plateau. my first 30 lbs wasn't done that way (nor was it on MFP) and I struggled to lose it and had many plateaus.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    It's amazing how our body adapts to seemingly starvation levels of food.

    Try eating a bit more, and then up your cardio. For example, if you do 20 minutes of cardio, plus weights, Do 20 minutes at the beginning of your work out followed by your regular work out, then do another 20 minutes, Lower the level on the machine so can do your 2 cardio sessions without getting too wiped out. A week of that should wake things up.

    Also, if you tend toward either fats/protein or carbs, you could swing the other way.

    Good luck!!
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Years and years ago what helped when I needed to move on from a stall in weight loss was upping my calories(or points as it was WW I was following then) and rotating it with on target days. Or do one higher calorie day a week.

    Maybe you need to increase cardio or something if just switching it up doesn't work.

    The calorie cycling has worked for me in the past.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You have to keep experimenting that is for sure. Another thing that I know does work is switching to high protien diet for 3 to 5 days at a time. If you can do seven that is even better. Protien 50 to 70% and veggies, fruits carbs rest. It works for me. A day or 2 before my weigh in's I go low carb or high protien, whatever you want to call it and I lose more weight on those days. Like today I am doing protiens, veggies and fruits only. Protien 1st.

    You stated in your thing you do the same thing, well that is a problem also. When our bodies get too use to something it rests and you have to shock it from time to time to get a jiggle. Jiggle with foods and exercise. Like you said it requires a few tricks to trick these bodies into action. :laugh:

    Hope this helps.

    I have a article to post later but no time right now.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I take a 'free day'. Some people call them cheat days, but I like the term 'free'. Weigh in the morning of your free day and again one week later. The scale always moves for me.

    I schedule the free day around a food centered event (birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, work functions, social functions...). I don't eat until I'm ready to burst, but I enjoy myself while staying comfortable in my pants. It's not an eating contest, just a day of freedom to eat whatever I would like (not whatever happens to be within reach).

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    So far it looks like changing is the big theme here. I do change up very regularly, but I may need to step up a little bit too. I also think the idea of a free day once in a while is nice. I sometimes have a "cheat meal", but I usually still try to stay in my overall day's calories. Maybe I'll take Saturdays or Sundays off for a while, not go hog-wild, just not count so tightly. Maybe I'll go for a mini-blizzard or a frappuccino as a treat. I know I stalled last time because my net calories were too low, and I quickly dropped 3 pounds by eating a little more. I haven't actually stalled this time, just preparing for the next time it happens, because I'm feeling a little nervous that I just don't have that many changes left up my sleeve ;~}
    Thanks everyone, and any additional ideas are still appreciated.
  • What was your starting weight? I'm asking because I think we are in the same boat. I am about the same weight :ohwell: as you now, 137.8 pounds 5'3" and a goal weight of 127. My start weight January 10th was 142.2 Slow but sure.

    I am so sick of the food I've been eating during the day. Suppers are fine, I have some imagination there but breakfasts, snacks and lunches are getting so boring. I work from 7:30am to 4:00 PM so the majority of my eating is done at work. Can you give me some ideas so I don't start in on the chips & dip? lol
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