Hiya, newbie here, friends needed for encouragement!

the4tails Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself

I'm Jane and I'm from the UK, my husband bought me an iphone for my birthday and MFP was my first app download.

Feel like i've been on a diet most of my life, I've always been big (bad genes unfortunately). I don't want to be skinny, I would love to be a curvy size 14 (size 10 american).

I love dancing and I am in a local theatre group and we are working towards a showcase in july in which i will be singing and dancing. I would love to feel confident in wearing short shorts on stage :)

I got married in October and felt amazing in my wedding dress regardless of the fact I'm big.

I am currently a 5ft 3, size 18 (14 US) and 220lb. I have lost 5lb in my 1st week!

Good luck everyone, I know we can do it!

I would love to be your weight loss friend :)



  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!

    Congrats on your initial weight loss and keep up the good work :).
  • 18HeatherF
    18HeatherF Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, and welcome!!
    there are lots of great people here with great motivation and support!!
    Good luck! you can do it!
  • MarissaV
    MarissaV Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jane, welcome to MyFitnessPal! I joined last Spring and have lost almost 30 pounds - went from a size 16 to a size 10, and still shrinking! I've done a lot of different diets over the years too, but this is the first one where I've lost more than 10 pounds and feel like I'm doing something healthy and sustainable.

    I only recently started taking advantage of the online community - two of my friends are now members. This is actually my first post to the website.

    In any case, feel free to add me as your friend. I've got some advice and tips for you too, if you are interested.

  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
  • Sounds Like we have alot in common, I have been big most of my life and yes it runs in the family. I am 5'4 @ 210pounds. I dont want to be skinny but at least get to size 9/10 american size.:smile:
  • jenniferbisson
    jenniferbisson Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Jenn, I'm 24 ( will be turning 25 next monday on Valentines day!! woowoo!) and I've always been a big curvy girl too - though I was curving more out than in over the past year haha, and after dumping my cheating ex boyfriend I've lost 20 pounds ( from 245 to 225, and now I'm back on the wagon to lose some more and get down to a nice size) - I lost 15 pounds within a month or two of being single and lazy boyfriend free haha, the running joke is that I lost 190 pounds total( 10 from me and 180 getting rid of him as dead weight haha). I'm feeling great, looking better, and being selfish for the first time in a really long time :)
    I would love to be a size 12 ( Canadian/American sizing) I was a full sz 18 ( I'm 5'7 1/2" ) and now I'm about a 16 ( depending on the outfit.. most of my stuff is 14-15 now, but I'd say 16 is safe.)
    You can do it, don't give up- know that there will be good days and bad days.. just don't let the bad ones out number the good haha.

    I find I have to remind myself that being aware of what I put in my body is not being Mean to my body, its being Good to it. Eating copious amounts of chocolate may sound like a great idea, but I have Polycycstic ovarian syndrome, and my body literally cant handle the sugar - so not only do I gain a mess of weight but my skin breaks out like crazy - clearly my body is not enjoying this. So by saying no to cravings and going for a run or dancing until I can barely stand, my body is happier - and it shows me with clear bright skin and a firmer body. I have treats every so often, but I don't overdo it, and I give my body other treats, like physical activity and fresh organic food and cold clean water... happy body :)<3

    Also today I got winked at by a cute guy on the bus, guess Somethings working haha

    Keep it up and enjoy the benefits!
  • thank you everyone, been looking at the message boards, the progress pics are my fave, everyone is so amazing and inspiring.

  • Hi, newbie here too!!! Only been here about a week but have lost 1 lb!! 39 more to go!!! I am a widowed mother of 3 boys and have seemed to gain 10 lbs. a year since my husband died (hence the need to lose 40 lbs!!) My goal is to get myself to a good healthy weight so that I can enjoy my life with my boys but most importantly make sure that they are not left as orphans!

    You already have a very healthy attitude with being happy with who you are and wanting more for yourself!!! The one thing I can say is that this site is awesome!! you need to be real with yourself though and honest, you need to input EVERYTHING you put in your mouth and then make the necessary adjustments--believe it or not, it took time to gain the weight and it will take time to lose it--keep at it!! Good Luck!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
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