Bored at the gym...



  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I'm like you, I can do the work but I tend to get bored rather quickly and just don't want to be on the machine anymore! First, I make myself do it by having a great upbeat playlist on my ipod, then when I start with the mind games in my head like I'm done, or I don't want to do anymore, I just try and focus on something else or try and get into a zone, like zoning out so I don't think about too much. I also keep telling myself one more song, then another and another, before I know it, I'm done and feel great for doing my 30 minutes which is all I can do right now and considering my fitness level, thats good for me!

    Tonight I actually did my keetlebell workout for almost 30 minutes and I surprised myself because when it comes to exercise DVD's I have a hard time pushing myself to just do it. Once you get started it tends to become easier. Just keep trying and do the best you can, you don't have to do 60 minutes or even 45 minutes, 30 minutes is good, even 20 minutes for starters. You can do it! A littel more each day, start small. Good luck!
  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Push yourself harder.

    What stellar, insightful advice. :/

    Your sarcasm isn't appreciated.

    It is impossible to be bored if you have a high level of intensity when exercising by always pushing your physical limit with every workout.

    Sorry, I'm forced to agree that YeaILift's advice is sound. High intensity, especially when combined with an awesome playlist, makes boredom impossible.

    I see a lot of people just kinda chugging along on the machines, I'd be bored too if I did it like that. As it is, I'm busy trying to breathe and push my heart rate and speed to new heights. It's the difference between sitting in class versus learning something amazing; or having I can't fall asleep" or "I gotta get rid of this erection" sex and the mind-blowing kind. . One can be boring, the other simply cannot. :wink:

    Or maybe for some people its just boring.

    eg I know one guy who hyperventilates with excitement when talking about fishing, however I it barely sparks my interest.

    Different strokes for different folks.
  • Veryan7
    Veryan7 Posts: 3 Member
    Music definately. Get some good paced tunes going that you love and its great. Also mix it up, do classes, weights, machines and something fun.

    I do boxing and its so much fun an hour goes in a flash and I dont really notice im exercising. The aching muscles and good muscle tone I get tell me I really am though!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I need to have a great play-list. I might not listen to it but if I'm feeling out of the zone, I'll want it there. One time the gym had the radio down so low I couldn't hear it properly and it drove me insane. It was the longest workout ever. I was completely turned off my game. A book or magazine might help for the bike.

    Maybe you should try some fitness classes or get a trainer to shake up your cardio routine?
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I am so happy you posted this. I am one of those annoying adults with ADD. It is hard to stay focused, just my mind has gone to the next thing. Anyway...when it happens, I will go to another machine, brisk walk of course. I do find that rowing intervals keeps me very interested and find I stay on it. I do intervals so you have to keep track of your pace, meters, etc. It is the only thing I find that keeps me interested. I do make it through the elliptical, but I do intervals on it also.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    There are two types of people:

    Those that think exercising is a chore that has to be done to achieve weight loss, something that is merely a means to an end. They approach exercising with a bad attitude from the outset, expecting not to enjoy it, and then look for any distraction to be able to "get through" it... whether thats's watching TV or reading a book on the treadmill... Their effort levels usually in some ways reflect their ill conceiled boredom.

    Then there are people who have found something they actually enjoy, and where the activity itself is actually not just a means to an end. They focus on what they're doing, work hard and don't need to be "distracted" to get through it.

    The key is to find something you enjoy!!
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Generally agree with the analogy above. But there are people such as myself who love working out, who will ride her bike for miles, but to keep me focused I have to interval train to keep my mind interested.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    I could not stand doing cardio at the same rate for 20mins, so I do interval training with 60sec/30sec intervals, it's quite intense and you don't have time to get bored in between the fast bits because you are using all your concentration to get your breath back!

    Also, I have to have music on - make a playlist of tunes that motivate you. If I am slowing down/losing energy, the right tune can always get me going again :)
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    Yeah, I'm agreeing with the "push yourself" camp. I find that I start to get bored when I'm jogging, then I'll decide to walk just because I'm bored, but instead, lately, I've been pushing myself to go harder for a minute. If I was jogging at 7mph, I'll run at 9-10mph for a minute, then you go back to 7 and appreciate it. Same with on the bike. I try to keep my RPM above 100, but the days where it's hovering 80-90, I push myself super hard for a minute, then slow it down a bit.
    Makes time go much faster because you're constantly either catching a breather, or concentrating on pushing yourself super hard
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    Yeah, I'm agreeing with the "push yourself" camp. I find that I start to get bored when I'm jogging, then I'll decide to walk just because I'm bored, but instead, lately, I've been pushing myself to go harder for a minute. If I was jogging at 7mph, I'll run at 9-10mph for a minute, then you go back to 7 and appreciate it. Same with on the bike. I try to keep my RPM above 100, but the days where it's hovering 80-90, I push myself super hard for a minute, then slow it down a bit.
    Makes time go much faster because you're constantly either catching a breather, or concentrating on pushing yourself super hard

    That's the key, interval, have to concentrate and you can't get bored.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Are you a member of a gym? If so, try EVERY cardio class that they offer (even if you don't think you'd be into it). This will keep you from getting bored and, if you hate a class, it's only an hour of your life that you have to endure it.

  • Monday nights - I watch the Biggest Loser on the tv of the machine!

    Gives me all the motivation I need to stay on and push harder!!!
  • I only use cardio to get my heart-rate up then move on to weights and then back to cardio then back to weights. That's what my trainer always did with me. And that's what I find works the best for me. I do find just walking/running or biking to no where extremely boring!
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    I dunno if someone already said this, but circuit training..... or interval training.

    That way you're switching it up ever 1-4 minutes.


    i agree with the tv thing too.... i just dont count on it when i go to the gym cos i workout on a military base and in the cardio room i use there is either sports or Fox news..... both of those don't appeal to me. haha
  • I just go to the gym everyday at 1:30....strength train for 30 min...cardio at 2 (Dr Phil) for an hour and maybe more weights...I ONLY let mysef watch talk shows at the gym, so it works for me. I also found that just switching machines, bike, tread, ellip, whatever helps a lot. Even if your think the bike is sorta of a wuss, I get a better heartrate, for a longer time, than the tread. I think you just have to find your niche, however wierd it might be.
  • It really helps if you have an android phone. I usually listen to Pandora radio at the gym. Sometimes I watch videos, or log into MFP and read the boards.
    Before you know it, 45 minutes has gone by and you didn't even realize it.
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    My brother is a trainer and according to him, doing one workout (like tredmill or stair master) for 45 mins isn't exactly going to burn as much as circuit training. Try doing different things like switching from machine to machine. My gym has an area just for women & it is a circle of machines (like Curves), you do a couple of minutes of each machine. You may want to try something like that.
  • You should look for a Bootcamp in your area. I got bored at the gym and joined a bootcamp. It is so much fun and the workouts are never the same. Working out with a group of people make it more enjoyable.
  • I always keep my iPod updated with lots of fast tempo music. Also I read on my Nook (turning pages on books or magazines is hazardous! ;) . Sometimes when I'm reading something good I don't want to stop! If I'm REALLY feeling unmotivated I'll watch a movie on my ipod.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I agree with the intervals.

    I have a few tricks:
    1. switch machines: 10 minutes on each machine till you reach your target time. I like rowing, bike and elliptical
    2. Beat your neighbor. ;) Try to keep pace with the person next to you. A little competition helps to wake you up
    3. Intervals: I have a few types
    a. fast/slow fast for a mniute, slower for a minute and alternate till you complete your workout
    b. Climbing: up the resistance or incline by 2 for a minute, then downgrade one leve for your resting minute (or 2 minutes). Like a pyramid, but the cool thing is most of your workout will actually be really hard since your previous "Rest" is your former "high"
    c. I like to give my self an aggressive time to hit a distance. On a bike, complete a mile in 2 minutes (or keep my RPMs at 150 for .3 miles on elliptical). Then you take a break. A variation on the "slow/fast"
    4. Music: I have a general workout playlist and a special interval playlist with all of the really high energy songs

    I also switch up my strength training. Mix up the exercises, using weights or machines. I like to make it a circuit, and take very short rests between sets. (20 seconds max!)

    Good luck!
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