weigh in everyday?



  • Billiek
    Billiek Posts: 8 Member
    :tongue: thanks!!!
  • I think your best bet is going to be once a week. If you weigh in daily you will find your weigh is up and down due to the level of hydration of your body. The tried and true test is how much weight sticks with you or how much you loose over a period of time. A week is a good duration of time to use.
  • jram72
    jram72 Posts: 9 Member
    I think you should weigh in twice a day and three times on Mondays. :) Hi Billie
  • I weigh in every morning. Right after I get out of bed
  • I weigh every morning first thing, i found there's a big difference between the evening and the morning, it helps keep me motivated each day
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I weight in everyday. If I weighed in on say... Saturday, I would stuff my face all day Sunday. I just know that's how I am. lol
  • i weigh every day it keeps me good. but d it at the same time, you can put on 3 pounds over a day but its just food eaten and liquid drunk, if i dont weigh myself i get complacent but thats just me you should do what works for you
  • mrogus
    mrogus Posts: 94
    I weigh myself every morning but only record it on Friday's. I find that it helps me stay focused and know what my goal is.
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