The feeling of being skinny.

What's it like? I've never been skinny before.
I've never known the feeling of fitting into any pair of jeans and saying "they don't fit. It's too big" I've never known the feeling of not regretting what I eat and never having a day go by where I don't count a calorie.
I've never shopped in the 'petites' section of the clothing store, always the large, and the xtra large.
So I ask you, what's it like to be skinny? To be called skinny and truly believe it? It must've been hard.
Did you work for it? Or are you just like the others who are just 'naturally skinny' and shun others who arent and belittle them?

I've done my best, and I'm still trying my best to reach that feeling.
I've controlled my cravings, I've exercised like no woman has exercised before.

You may know what it's like to be skinny. But just give me time and I'll catch up, then, both of us will know that feeling, I will know two feelings. The feeling of being skinny, AND the feeling of working towards my goals and overcoming obstacles and challenges like you haven't before.

The key is patience, the technique is effort and dedication.

Hang in there ppl :)


  • tyrsis
    I think you're focusing too much on being thin. Focus on being healthy, being fit. The rest will come along.
  • Diamond_angel14
    thnx for the advice :)
    yep thats more important ,I am focusing on all of them but actually I still wanna look good :)
  • allie_00
    It's a great feeling - being able to sit down comfortably and not worry about your stomach reaching out over your pants. I was "skinny" (in different ways and points in my life) before. I'll agree with some comments written above that being healthy is a much better feeling. Running 10ks and feeling strong? Eating great food day after day? That's an awesome feeling and I can say I prefer that feeling right now. Having the bones sticking out of your body because you're pale and unhealthy? Not so much.
  • Diamond_angel14
    glad ur feeling good :)
    yep,I really wanna feel healthy and at my right weight for the rest of my life :)
    good luck !
  • skinnygirlfreed
    Funny...I've been working on a blog post about this! I'm with ya - I've never been skinny. I was thin as a very young child - and it was before I realized what skinny was! It's hard to imagine...

    Thanks for your perspective! :)
  • mcphtm
    mcphtm Posts: 26
    Based on your profile pictures, you are gorgeous the way you are. Don't worry so much about what other people look like and what they think you look like. What matters is how you feel. It's always a good thing to begin a healthy lifestyle with eating good and exercising, but like others have said do it to be healthy not to be skinny. You are young, if other people your age seem like they can eat and do whatever they want without gaining an ounce its probably because of their metabolism PLUS the fact that they don't eat like that all the time. But you will be ahead of the game by starting your healthy lifestyle early, because it will be easier to continue it as you get older. As for the ones who eat whatever they want, that isnt going to last their entire lives. Majority of adults who are fit and "skinny" work on it. They have to work on it everyday, it does not come naturally at all.

    I have been known to eat an entire double bacon cheeseburger and fries in one sitting with others asking me how I can look they way I do eating like that. My response is always... "Trust me, I definitely don't eat like this all of the time". In fact, I hardly EVER get to eat like that ;)

    P.S. Anyone who would "shun" or "belittle" another person because of their weight obviously has personal issues and more than likely low self esteem about their own looks and self, so I def wouldn't be worried about them!
  • trekkiebeth
    I'm confused. You look thin in your pictures. Do you really have to buy large and extra large clothing?
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    you do look thin, and you are also only 13 years old? i'm confused.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    I think you're focusing too much on being thin. Focus on being healthy, being fit. The rest will come along.
    yup, in fact i was at the gym a few days ago taking a class that does cardio for 30 minutes, then 30 minutes strength training, and 2 skinny chicks fell out, and here i am the chunky butt still going strong. More than likely they didnt eat something good before there workout, they needed too, because its really intense.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Like others said don't focus so much on being thin (to be honest you look thin to me) as you do being healthy. I know its hard on women because of all the marketing out there designed to tell us we are ugly or unattractive if we don't fit into size 0 jeans even thought the average in America is a size 14.

    Also I would advise not to be obsessive about the calories, you've got to treat your self every once in again so it isn't so daunting. You don't have to deny yourself anything you just have to eat it in moderation and make smart choices about your food. You want chocolate, have a piece just make it dark chocolate. You wanna go out to eat, portion part of it out before you start eating to take home with you and eat later to spread the calories out . Losing weight and keeping it off is a life style change not a diet, don't do anything you cant sustain for the long run.
  • Diamond_angel14
    U can call me kinda thin now , I was fatter than that I was actually large :(
    but my profile pic now is me now at my current weight
    and yep I am 13.
    thnx for all of u , u are very insoiring for telling me that i look good
    wish u all luck :D
  • Diamond_angel14
    I laughed when u said two skinny chicks hehehe
    its us now who are making fun of skinny people,I like that :D
  • xoang175ox
    I know at your age how that feels to want to be thin, it doesnt matter what anyone says about health or fitness, you just know how you want to LOOK. Trust me girl, it doesnt get easier as u get older, if anything you feel like you need to try even harder to be the prettiest, the skinniest...but lately what I am trying to remind myself is as far as looks go, that EVERYONE is beautiful to SOMEONE and NO ONE is BEAUTIFUL to EVERYONE...even just take a look at celebrities that you might think are "perfect" etc, I guarantee u, take like, Jennifer Lopez, go up to 10 different people on the street n ask what they think of her any a couple of people are going to say "shes ok" or "shes ugly"..and they are obv crazy but everyone has a different perception of beautiful, you have to find what you feel best as and remember, your family thinks ur beautiful, ur friends think u r beautiful, At the end of the day, when u r graduated and moving on in your life, you will see even more how the only people who matter are the ones who love and support you and can truly think u r beautiful inside and out!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    ive niva been 'skinny' either lol, but i dont wana be skinny, i wana be healthy n thinner lol and im getn there slowly but surely :D

    take care

    best wishes
    Kirstie x
  • Diamond_angel14
    Thnx a tons for ur comment :)
  • Diamond_angel14
    kristie wish the best of luck for u :)
    and lets get healthier together :D
  • Diamond_angel14
    we're beautiful from th inside out and where losing weight to prove it :)