Zumba VS PX90

chyleki Posts: 34
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering if anyone has done both of these videos, which one would you prefer?

I have no coordination so going to Zumba classes are out, I would rather be comfy in my home doing it. Problem is I get bored very easily but want to workout 5 days a week.


  • RMX983
    RMX983 Posts: 34
    Two completely different programs. One is mostly cardio based and the other is a lot of strength training. It really depends on which one you prefer. P90X is a solid 60 to 90 minutes per day. It's a big commitment. But since I'm a guy I'd obviously prefer that one over Zumba.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I love Zumba I workout at home. I really get into it. Have fun
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I think this is a total apples vs oranges comparison.

    Briefly, Zumba is a dance-based cardio program. Although you may get some muscle definition (I have noticed a big difference in my obliques and legs) you won't get a hard-core weights workout. The Zumba with weights is pretty much a joke in that department. The workout system would be suitable for beginners with modifications.

    P90X is a hard core fitness program, not to be approached lightly. There is a large nutrition component, the workouts are very, very challenging and commitment to the program is crucial to get optimum results. I also (I'm not sure) think that it requires you to dedicate up to 90 minutes a day, every day.

  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    buy the Zumba DVD's and workout at home.
  • I love, love, love Zumba. It does take a while to learn the steps, but I don't ever get bored!
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    I did p90x and found the lead guy arrogant and irritating. That being said, I didn't like it because I have wide door frames (double regular doors) so can't put chin up bar up and it was boring. I love Zumba and look forward to it, however it doesn't offer the muscle building like P90x they are completely different as someone suggested.
  • I haven't done PX90 but I go to a free Zumba class on campus and LOVE it!! I'm not too coordinated either, and I thought I would make a fool of myself but then I realized that no one is watching me because they're all too worried about how they look, too! My Zumba instructor is great, too, because she often demonstrates alternatives to some dance moves. So, if you're new or not too good at the dance moves, you can chose an easier/less intense alternative. And a lot of times I'll get the hang of it and am able to move up to the next, more intense level.
  • If you go to the PX90 website you can get a better idea of it...they also have a beginner program that isn't as hardcore. I do zumba on my kinect and then I do weight training at home too. I have a ton of friends who love the px90 though! But it is hardcore and I'm not there yet physically but I may go for it later!! Good luck!!
  • Zumba it is :) I am not looking to build muscle quite yet and so far I really like Zumba...I am on my 3rd day! I just think about all those Tae-Bo videos that are sitting in my attic because I got so bored watching the guy over and over.
  • Tarah1357
    Tarah1357 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm a Zumba girl all the way! I've been doing it 4 days a week for about a month now and have lost 10 lbs. (with following weight watchers and now MFP) I look forward to my workout days, that's how much fun I have with it. I bought the box set of DVD's right from the website and jumped right into the cardio party. Was in a crazy sweat within the first 20 minutes. It was AWESOME. The nice thing about Zumba is not only are you burning calories with the cardio but you're actually toning muscle at the same time. It's a great workout and a lot of fun.

    Personally, I prefer the dvd's over a class. It's so much more convenient.
    Good luck!
  • The threads here are correct, I think a llot of it is depending on what you want. If you are loking to just lose weight then Zumba is the way to go, if you want to to get into shape then P90X. With that said P90X will range from 45 minutes to the longest set of 90 minutes which is yoga. It sounds like a lot, but it goes by really quick.

    I am a coach for BeachBody so if you have any questions on what might be right please feel free to shoot me a personal e-mail: readytoshredlbs@beachbodycoach.com

    Good luck with your fittness journey..

  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    P90x is a whole different level than Zumba. Like others said, P90x is a big commitment because of how long the programs are. It's intense (I haven't done it but I've seen the videos because my hubs has them). Nothing on P90x looks enjoyable, but you get results. It's aimed at getting your body "ripped" basically.

    Zumba takes the approach that a fun workout will make you keep at it. If you don't like to dance or don't like latin music, then it probably is not your cup of tea. If you're looking for all your muscles to become defined, you won't get there with Zumba, but it's a great way to burn some calories. I love Zumba, and have been going to classes as well as doing the DVDs.
  • The threads here are correct, I think a llot of it is depending on what you want. If you are loking to just lose weight then Zumba is the way to go, if you want to to get into shape then P90X. With that said P90X will range from 45 minutes to the longest set of 90 minutes which is yoga. It sounds like a lot, but it goes by really quick.

    I am a coach for BeachBody so if you have any questions on what might be right please feel free to shoot me a personal e-mail: readytoshredlbs@beachbodycoach.com

    Good luck with your fittness journey..


    What is beach body?
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