Any tips on South Beach Diet Phase 1?



  • sunshine86912
    I have done SBD before, about 2 years ago was my first go at it. LOVED IT! I am now re-starting phase 1, today! BUT this time I am a vegaterian, so this will get interesting lol, I am really not sure what in the world I am going to eat! I just need to get my sweets cravings under control and phase 1 did that for me every time!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good luck, I think it will be hard as a vegetarian, I hope you like beans lol! I'm sure if you dig around you could find a lot of recipes online. I've been doing really well with this so far, in fact I just hit my 50 pounds lost mark the other day, yay! :bigsmile:
  • zcosborne86
    I'm just starting the SBD, I'm not sure I'll be able to follow it 100% but fingers crossed.

    Great infor on here! Thanks guys.:happy: