
brittanyburkhart Posts: 4
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
:cry: Ok so i have been working out for three weeks now. I am a diabetic and my thyroid is shut down, but i take medicine. I have been doing Zumba class for 3 weeks now. Going on my 9th class saturday. I have stopped eating fast food. I also stopped drinking pop, which is was only diet to begin with, but is now strictly water. Been trying to eat a little better. Switched from 2% to fat free milk. Eat a nutrigrain bar every morning and take all my medications including two flintstons vitamins. I work out atleast one or two other days during the week. Ranging from 4-6 days of atleast an hour of exercise a week. I have done a kick boxing class, and another hard physical hour long class. My body is killing me, and i feel so frustrated that im hardly loosing any. On January 18th i weighed 184.7 but it fluctuated up to 187 sometimes, ever since that day i have been working out and trying to eat better. Im not that great at dieting, but i have been trying but mainly been working out alot and drinking only water. Im just frustrated because today i weighed myself with jeans and a shirt on and weighed 184.6. Am i doing something wrong? Should i give it more time? i just feel like im doing so much and nothing i happening. Someone please give me some advice! :frown:


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Great job on all the hard work you've put in but yes give it more time. It takes awhile to really see results, some people actually gain before they lose due to muscles retaining water and numerous other reasons. Be rest assured you are making healthy positive changes and it will all catch up! Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint. Good luck and don't get down on yourself that will only hinder the weight loss!!
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    take some measurements you may not be losing on the scale but you could still be losing inches. its possible that while your body fat percentage is going down your muscle mass percentage is going up.
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Congrats on all the hard work!! Stay with it and I promise you'll see results. One thing that might help is if you make your food diary public. That way, others can see what you are eating and give you some suggestions that may be helpful as to how you are fueling your body. You're doing great though. Keep up the great effort and work!
  • Maybe talk to a nutritionist about what you can eat/ the right foods, that will help you gain more energy with your condition? Keep up the good work though :)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Are you weighing yourself the same way? Meaning, if you weren't wearing anything last time, and this time you had jeans on, that'll make a difference. Or if last time you weighed in the morning and now you're weighing in the evening? Also, the food is the major part of the diet. You work out for 1 hour a day and you have to think/eat your food the other 23 hours a day. If you're not really watching your food, you might be eating more than you were before (due to the extra activity from exercising) which would cancel out the calorie deficit. Like others said, take measurements, be patient, and be honest with yourself. When you're really honest about what you're doing you'll figure out what you need to do to get results!
  • too..I have ben doing Zumba for 6 weeks at least 4-5 times a week and havent lost any..very frustrating..I think We have to hang in there longer and cut down on calories and also sweets..Hang in there I am going to keep trying..and alternate my diet more night snacks either..
  • First off, your body weight will always fluctuate from day to day from hour to hour. Don't become addicted to the scale. Pick a weekly weigh-in day and time and stick to it. Second, don't call it a diet, call it a food choice. I can't "diet" ever because I feel deprived. Make better food choices and remember to EAT! I have totally had to revamp my eating - actually eat breakfast although it is usually about 8:30 when I do. Try eating something every 3 hours... breakfast, lunch, an afternoon good snack (cheese and an apple or something like that), dinner and maybe a bedtime snack that includes some protein. And as others have said, use measurements of your body - sometimes those are far more telling than the weight itself. Most of all, stick with trying to make better food choices and working out because it is good for YOU. :drinker:
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm in the same exact boat. I've been working out for 3 weeks, 5x a week and sticking to my healthy eating. I actually started on January 18th too:smile: It is soo frusterating when you work so hard and don't see results. My body won't go passed 168.0 exactly and I would love to throw the scale out the window! I am not sure if I am not eating enough calories or just gaining muscle or my body is just mad at me! I've determined to stick with this time though! . It's hard when I see all these people who are just starting out and dropping the pounds sooo fast but I won't let it get me down. This is a lifestyle change for me and I know if I just need to give it time. Try to stay positive and keep it up. Usually when I give up, 3 months later I am kicking myself in the butt wondering what if I stuck with it. WE CAN DO IT!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Do not fear. The scale is only one measurement for getting healthy. Take your measurements and every month measure again. We've all hit points where the scale doesn't go down but the inches are lost!

    Best of luck!
  • I applaud you! :flowerforyou: And, I surely understand your frustration - all that work, for so long, with no obvious rewards. Except that, as has already been said, your body is quietly reaping the benefits of your continued efforts in ways that don't show up on the scale... yet. I can only encourage you to keep it up, because if nothing else, you are strengthening your infrastructure (heart, lungs) -- and I can see no disadvantage to THAT.

    What about your daily eating habits? If the majority of your calorie intake is made up of carbohydrates, you may want to reduce your carbs and/or increase your protein consumption. Another consideration may be that you are 'shorting' your body of nutrients in general; i.e., not ingesting enough calories; in which case your body is in starvation mode and hanging onto every calorie it can. JMO based on experiences with exactly these factors. It took me awhile, but I finally got it through my head that skimping on nutrition will not help me lose weight; and also that I really do NOT have to have bread at every meal. :ohwell: I saw the light about a month ago, and since then I have lost 9 lbs. (25 to go.)

    I'm sure you already know how thyroid meds could affect your weight, but it is possible whatever you're taking may need to be adjusted. My coworker recently dealt with 3 thyroid Rx changes inside of 10 months because her levels kept dancing around, and so did her weight. (She's finally straightened out and back to her usual size.) I don't know a great deal about diabetes except it can require paying close attention to one's diet; and I wonder if this Rx could influence weight, as well.

    To answer your question, I say yes, give it more time!
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