Diet Soda maybe linked to Strokes and Heart Attacks



  • CleveRocks
    The article does NOT say that diet soda causes strokes!!! The research never investigated CAUSES.

    I have a Master's degree in research & experimental design. This study establishes a positive correlation between diet soda consumption and vascular events. The study doesn't say that diet soda CAUSES such problems.

    Correlation is an observation that two phenomena tend to occur together. It shouldn't be interpreted that one causes the other. It could be coincidence. Or it could be that people with a propensity for vascular disease disproportionately choose diet soda over other beverages.

    It's dangerous to assume that a correlation is the same as cause and effect.
  • whaggwood
    whaggwood Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for your response CleveRocks. However, I was a pre-med major with a concentration in mathematics and probability. Currently, I am completing my Masters in Systems Engineering in which we deal with probability of occurrence.

    One of the facts of the probability of the occurrence is that an event can be expressed as a fraction or a decimal from 0 to 1. Events that are unlikely will have a probability near 0, and events that are likely to happen have probabilities near 1.

    The conclusion from the research shows that it is highly probable that one would incur a stroke because the chances of not having one is less probable when aspartame from artificial sweeteners is not introduced to the subjects.

    Please read the subject line before coming to this post. It says "maybe linked" to strokes and heart attacks.

    **As an analogy, those who choose to ride without a helmet when riding a motorcycle may one day have an accident. Hind sight is 20/20**