Xbox fitness games

kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm thinking of purchasing some xbox games for working out. Has anyone tried any of these games......Your Shape: Fitness Evolved, Biggest Loser Ultimate work-out or Zumba fitness?? They all look like they would be really good. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated:)


  • digit78
    digit78 Posts: 177
    Youshape is really good. Plenty of options available in it.
  • I suggest you read reviews on Amazon- they're thorough.
    Here's the short list:
    Fitness Evolved: nice graphics, good workout. I have it and I love it.
    Biggest Loser: I don't own it but when I read around people complained that it seemed like they just slapped it together for the XBOX Kinect from the Wii version. That's usually a very bad accusation of any video game when moving from platform to platform.
    Zumba: mixed reviews. Some people love this, some people do not like the game version.
  • garymccord
    garymccord Posts: 16 Member
    I've just started using Your Shape: Fitness Evolved and it's brilliant - lots of different types of workouts for all levels.

    You can download demo's too, and if you've already bought the Kinect accessory then there are demo's on the Kinect Adventures game disc itself.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks so much....I've been reading the reviews and I was thinking that Fitness Evolved sounded the best to me. It's great though to hear from people that are actually using it. So it's a pretty good workout then?
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I actually really like the Biggest Loser. It's more of a strength training/toning than cardio, but it works for me. I love it!
  • garymccord
    garymccord Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, without sounding cheesy, you can really feel the burn as it seems to do well exercising different muscle groups with good cardio work to burn off the calories.

    You also have the Your Shape Centre online portal where you can keep tabs on calories burned using the game on your own website dashboard.
  • FYI
    The complaints you are going to hear about for the Biggest Loser on the Kinect is this. The XBOX has far superior graphics compared to the Wii. Therefore, a consumer would hope for higher quality graphics in this game- from what I've read- it's not up to par. When you're using something like Kinect, eyecandy factor is crucial IMO.
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
    I have your shape and really like it. There seems to be quite a bit of options and I love that it corrects you when you're not doing something correct.
  • shmags
    shmags Posts: 7 Member
    hi,we have the biggest loser ,which gives you a good workout ,and also zumba which works you out and is fun too ,hope this helps
  • I work at gamestation so get to play these games everyday :) Try the new brain and body training game, says what it dos on the label :) xx
  • danniwhit
    danniwhit Posts: 63 Member
    My reviews based on what I have...

    -Zumba- I have never tried the DVDs or a class, but I have it for Kinect. I really like it. I had done Beginner class 1 up until today and today I tried beginner class2 and did awesome at it and liked it even more. I don't like that I have only seen 20 minute beginner classes when I want to do about 45 minutes of zumba, but I also don't know if they have longer classes as the levels go up.... because I have not looked past beginner. IDK if my room is too dark but I also have a hard time being "read" by the sensor all the time. I still got all my points for it today, but I feel like I was doing the routine the right way some of the times it wasn't reading me. I have the sensor on the top of my tv, at eye level, as suggested by Your Shape, so IDK if that has anything to do with it.
    -Your Shape Fitness- I absolutely love this game and would recommend it to anyone. I did not lilke having to unlock all the levels of exercise but it happens a lot with the other games. I currently do the Cardio Boxing Silver & Cardio Boxing Gold full classes each day. I am buying the add ons next week (platinum cardio boxing, and something else I can't remember but they are listed on the game). I dont like the cardio boxing bronze because it goes too slow for me. I do the zen classes (yoga) after each workout also and love them. Don't wear baggy clothes while doing the zen classes won't read your movements as well! I have not tried out the personal training section but plan on doing that tomorrow, and might update if i like it.
    -Dance Central- okay okay...not a workout game. BUT my hubby uses it to workout :) I do it sometimes, but like doing Zumba more. Dance Central has a workout mode where it will tell you the accumulation of calories burned for all the songs you do.

    I have not tried Biggest Loser game yet but that is the next one I want to buy. One thing I don't get on the games, such as Your SHape or Dance Central, it seems the calories it counts you as burning are lower then they should be. Example: today I did 30 minutes of cardio boxing class on Your Shape and 15 minutes of core zen class. Your Shape said I burned 150 calories. I logged the cardio boxing as aerobics, high impact, and according to MFP i should have burned almost 300 cals doing high impact aerobics. So I am not sure which is more correct. I plan to get a HRM soon to better track my calories. If anyone else has experience/opinions on the calories burned situation, please let me know.
  • I wasn't impressed with the Zumba its is not as acurate as some of the other Kinect games. I ended up trading it in for half the purchase price a week after I bought it (wishing I had bought a different workout game) and got Kinectmals for my daughter. I have done the demo for biggest loser and I like that. We also had a great time playing the adventures games, worked up quite a sweat. We just got Kinect sports so I will let you know on that one.
  • I work at gamestation so get to play these games everyday :) Try the new brain and body training game, says what it dos on the label :) xx

    What a great job!!! Gamers paradise :)
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