running T/M vs. Outside

I have been doing a 5k jogging/speed walking on a treadmill atleast once a week. Last week I decided to attempt to do do some outside. I can go for much longer on a T/M without having to stop than outside. It was cool the day I attempted this. Also, I keep and drink a 33 oz water bottle on the treadmill attempt. Anyone esle run better on TM vs outside or any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    I run SO much better outside!! More things to see, breathing in fresh air! I don't like to run in cold weather, so I run outside from the end of March until the beginning of October usually. I am looking forward to doing it again! I get bored on the's at my house, not the gym, and I have my kids running around me and it's very distracting. But, everyone is different!! :smile:
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    I just started running/jogging (usually do about 1/2 hr everyday), and find it MUCH easier to do so on the TM! I have no idea why this is (perhaps the TV attached helps...), but even the walk/job from my apt to the gym seems SO much harder than my time on TM. Very weird!
  • DarthBubbles
    I personally prefer to jog outside than on a's just me and my music and fresh air. When I'm on a treadmill I find I can only do like 10 min and then I want to get off, it seems to hurt my knees more.
    Then there are people at my gym that can get on a treadmill for an hour! I think it just boils down to personal preference :wink:
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Oh yeah! You're not imagining it. It's different!!
    When you're outside, there is no motor pushing the belt under you making each stride easier. Every step you must push off the road without any assistance. Plus there are differences in cushioning on the treadmill versus the road. And, to top it off, the treadmill keeps you going at a very regular pace, which for many of us, is hard to get really nailed down outside.

    My hubby runs on a treadmill all the time. Sometimes on a bit of an incline. He can kill the miles. But then, after months, he decided to join me on a run on the road in front of our ranch which has some considerable hills. Between the hills and the differences between the treadmill, he was surprised at how much more tired he was than in the gym on the treadmill.

    So, it's not you. It's real and all of us who run on both have likely experienced the same.

    Just keep at it and you'll get it nailed outside as well! :)
  • KiraLech
    This is very normal. Read any article on treadmill vs. outside running and they'll all say the same thing. When running on a treadmill, your body is not propelling itself as it is when running outdoors. To help, you can try running with the treadmill on a level 2 incline. This will train your body to lean into your run, helping you adapt to outdoor running while still benefitting from the convenience of the treadmill. Hope this helps. Good luck! :smile:
  • julie737
    julie737 Posts: 406 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I think the treadmill's easier because it kind of propels you and you can control your speed. Running outside is harder on your joints in my opinion, too. And I don't get bored because I can a tv parked in front of my treadmill in my basement and I can watch all my dvr'd shows. The entertainment is key. I almost forget I'm running! Anyway, for all those reasons I find the treadmill easier--but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy running outside. I love that for so many other reasons!

    You just have to get your body used to running outside. Keep at it and you'll get there! Good luck!
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    I prefer running outside. I have to work harder for my miles. Plus, it's not boring. I like being able to change up my strides and speed without pushing a button. I miss running outside. It's to cold to do right now :( I tried bundling up and doin it, but my legs feel like lead :(
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    I read an article abt the difference and it had a graph showing the speed loss running outside due to wind drag was abt 0.2 mph without a prevailing wind. (calm day)

    PP said T/M cushioning makes it easier and that is the truth. I run every day and one day a week I run on an incline increasing every other week. This week was 2.0%. Next week it goes up to 2.5. The resistance helps to deal with the hills outside.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I don't run so I can't give you a good answer. But I do walk outside and on the treadmill. I like both. Treadmill for when the weather is unseasonable...outside when the weather is great. I do about the same on both.
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I don't have a treadmill so I run outside.

    I have had great luck with some running apps so i thought i'd share here.

    A great, free website is . It really changed how I approach to running because it helps me know my exact distance. I always try to beat my previous time.

    There's a pay app for the iPhone called run keeper. It has a real time gps map of your run and regularly updates you on your pace through the headphones. It really helps me keep up my speed.

    I also use a HRM to try to keep my heart rate about 150-153 so I am always pushing myself.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Running outside is a lot better for me. I can easily run outside or on the treadmill, but I prefer outside. Since it's cold, snowy, and I don't trust parking my car at the park this time of the year, I keep it inside on the treadmill. I put the treadmill on a 2 to 4 percent incline, and I'm doing speeds between 7.6 to 8.6 for at least 8 miles. Sometimes I run longer than 8 miles, but most of the time it's eight miles about four to six times a week. Next week the temps will be seventy degrees and I'll run at the park. A lot of people will be at the park, and the thieves seem to avoid breaking in cars when a lot of people are hanging out at the park. I'll take it slow at first, but within a month, I'll be running like a pro.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Well, if you couldn't tell from the screen name. I'm kind of biased.

    When i decided to start C25K I didn't have a treadmill or a gym membership. So I just decided to run outside. I run in just about any weather with a few caveats. Mainly when there is ice or snow on the ground, and the actual temp is below 10*F.

    I've ran in thunderstorms and other rediculous sitautions I probably shouldn't have. But adverse weather makes it more challenging...and that's what makes it fun.

    I joined a gym with an indoor track about a month ago. It's nice being able to run in shorts and t-shirt when it's -17 outside.

    Wind resistance, uneven ground, and different surfaces all make outside more challenging than a treadmill. I ran for 3 minutes on a treadmill once and hated it.

    I will say running isn't for everyone. If a treadmill gets you moving and running...then use it.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I was a hard core TM runner due to being self conscious about running in public. Last March I started running outside at night when it was dark. I just hated running in a small town of 1,000 people where everyone knew me. ;) It was a whole different way of running but I LOVE running outside. It's great to push myself to go another block or go up a hill. Or if my achilles are bothering me, I know which routes to take where I can avoid the hills. If I want a challenge, I will go another route. After finally getting out of my shyness of running outside, I started running during the day time and found that to be even more enjoyable - feeling the sun on my face or waving to people as they do yard work, etc. It's a rush and I lvoe it.
    I'm in MN so of course, there's about 5 feet of snow and it's quite dangerous to run outside right now, even with the treads I recently purchased. So...I'm back to TM running and it's def. not for me. I really have to give myself pep talks to even do it! I cannot wait until Spring.
  • mollymoo89
    I run about 4 times a week and mix it with cross training. I'm currently training for my second half marathon and absolutely prefer running outside! I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday and another 4.5 tonight on the treadmill and about died! However, I can do the same distance outside, about the same pace, without stopping. It's all about personal preference. I'm ready for it to warm up this weekend for my 7 mile run :)
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    I find outside much much much easier. I have to play little mind games to survive on the treadmill and my pace is slower :-(
    I do like the treadmill for incline walking though. I mountain climb and jogging just doesn't get to the same leg lifting muscles so if I need to get in shape for a trip I'll walk hard at the highest incline.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I find outside much much much easier. I have to play little mind games to survive on the treadmill and my pace is slower :-(
    I do like the treadmill for incline walking though. I mountain climb and jogging just doesn't get to the same leg lifting muscles so if I need to get in shape for a trip I'll walk hard at the highest incline.

    I also run faster outside....I think I'm just motivated by the changing scenery. I do agree about putting the treadmill on a slight incline. 1 is fine, or even .5 if you are just starting out.

    I also love walking on the TM on a crazy incline...I slow it way down though and just chug along. Great for your glutes!!
  • gooteek
    I am not sure why, but I have better weight loss running outside than the treadmill with the same distance. I also enjoy running outside much better. I can not wait until we get out of freezing temperatures again.