Still Thirsty After Tons of Water

Has anyone else experienced still being thirsty (I mean dry mouth, parched, can't get water fast enough thirsty) after far exceeding the recommended amount of water?

I am drinking 12-16 8oz servings a day and still find myself very thirsty at certain points in the day. I have increased my exercise dramatically and am a person who sweats freely, but between that and the amount I excrete I do not think I am anywhere close to flushing the amount I drink out of my system, even taking into consideration what my body uses up.

I do not want to consume too much water, even though I know it is difficult to hyper-hydrate under normal circumstances, the trips to the loo alone are reason to keep it within a reasonable amount.

Any thoughts?


  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I know what I'm thinking, but I'm not diagnosing. Sorry.
    I strongly suggest talking to your doctor.

    Good luck!!
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    I had the same issue about a week ago. Some people will try to tell you it's new onset diabetes. Chances are, it's not. But if you keep feeling off, check with you doctor.

    For me, it was an increase of exercise, high sodium, and a drastic change in my water consumption. I used to never exercise, and barely drank water. Now I'm exercising a lot more, and drinking tons. All in all, it was my body needing more water but it was just getting rid of what it considered "excess" because it never had that much before. After a few days, I felt better. But I did also cut back (or at least attempt) on my sodium. It's insane how much I was eating!

    It's great that you are paying attention to the signs your body is giving you. Keep an eye on it, and if it persists, or if you gain other symptoms (dizziness, sever agitation, shaky) check with you doctor.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Just go with it. If your body wants water, give it water. If you've suddenly changed your diet and exercise habits drastically, this could be part of an adjustment period, which may level off after a few weeks. Or perhaps you're getting a ton of sodium lately. Whatever the case, 12-16 cups of water isn't even all that much in my book.
  • cherlinden
    Wow I have that too! The only thing is I also have crazy dizzy spells. Mostly when I stand up, but sometimes when I'm sitting down too. After reading some of the posts I'm thinking maybe I should follow up with my dr. We were blaming the dizzy feeling on my diet pill, but even when I don't take it, I still get dizzy spells all day.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Wow I have that too! The only thing is I also have crazy dizzy spells. Mostly when I stand up, but sometimes when I'm sitting down too. After reading some of the posts I'm thinking maybe I should follow up with my dr. We were blaming the dizzy feeling on my diet pill, but even when I don't take it, I still get dizzy spells all day.

    I'd definitely go to the dr. for this. Dizzy spells could be caused by quite a few things. Some aren't to be taken lightly.
  • scarterrn
    scarterrn Posts: 27 Member
    I believe it is ok if what you are putting in is what you're putting out. You may want to see your physician... especially if this is affecting your daily activities.
  • scarterrn
    scarterrn Posts: 27 Member
    Wow I have that too! The only thing is I also have crazy dizzy spells. Mostly when I stand up, but sometimes when I'm sitting down too. After reading some of the posts I'm thinking maybe I should follow up with my dr. We were blaming the dizzy feeling on my diet pill, but even when I don't take it, I still get dizzy spells all day.

    I'd definitely go to the dr. for this. Dizzy spells could be caused by quite a few things. Some aren't to be taken lightly.

    I agree. If you are drinking a lot of water as well, you may be diluting the sodium in your blood or you could have some sort of hypotonic dehydration. It can make you feel dizzy! BUT there can be a lot of reasons for your dizziness (as stated above). I'd see a physician and maybe get some blood work done.
  • PirateJenny
    Thanks for the input. I have seen a doctor recently and do not have any symptoms of diabetes, despite my weight. I know genetics aren't the only factor, but there is literally none in my family and I also have been a largely raw foods vegetarian for over 20 years.

    Without getting too graphic, I have been monitoring my output and prior to what I initially thought, it seems to be keeping pace. Lots in, lots out. I do not have any dizziness, agitation, fatigue or other symptoms. In fact, other than being rabidly thirsty, I feel terrific since I intensified my exercise. The only thing that has been affecting my daily activities is the need to pee what seems like every 15 minutes!

    I do not get an excessive amount of sodium, as a rule I am generally at least 500mg under the daily recommendation and have never exceeded it since I started logging. I stay away from processed foods, so most sodium is added by me and counted as accurately as possible.

    I apologize, I should have shared that other information initially.

    Since I ramped up my workouts and I do not have any other symptoms right now I am going to just go with the flow, as it were.

    I will, however, see my doctor again if the symptom persists and I experience any new ones. Listening to one's body also means getting an educated opinion if we don't know what the hell is going on.

    Again, I very much appreciate everyone's input. Happy workouts everyone!
  • mapinkerton
    You DO have symptoms of diabetes - thirst and frequent urination. I would go back to the doctor and specifically ask to be tested for diabetes. No one in my family has ever been diagnosed with diabetes, but I was recently.
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    It is also possible that you have a salt deficiency. Sodium helps water do what its the key is health Amounts!
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    Wow I have that too! The only thing is I also have crazy dizzy spells. Mostly when I stand up, but sometimes when I'm sitting down too. After reading some of the posts I'm thinking maybe I should follow up with my dr. We were blaming the dizzy feeling on my diet pill, but even when I don't take it, I still get dizzy spells all day.

    I have hypo-tension (chronically LOW blood pressure)

    makes me thirsty
    crave salt (self medicate to raise my blood pressure)
    and dizzy dizzy dizzy if it drops.

    Sometimes I stand up and go "blind" where everything turns completely white. Then it fades back into view. My doctor has pretty much told me not to worry about it because over time everyone's blood pressure slowly goes up. But it can be a pain in the *kitten*.
  • mtnbknbumpkin
    I go 'blind' when I stand up too quickly too. Only for me, everything goes completely black for no more than a few seconds, then my vision comes back. I get thirsty after drinking a lot of water. I had just drank 3 glasses of water and still felt thirsty.
  • kmadki4
    kmadki4 Posts: 20 Member
    I go through spells where I am extremely thirsty and not satiated when drinking water. I can sometimes drink up to 5L a day, and still chug water like crazy. I went to the doctor, and there's nothing wrong. Your body may just be dehydrated. However, I would suggest you see your doctor to get your blood sugar and labs checked.
  • childrenrus
    childrenrus Posts: 55 Member
    Bump..this is interesting as I've always drunk lots of water & can feel thirsty/dry mouth after. I've recently had a blood test for diabetes/thyroid + a few other things which came back all clear.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Have you upped your protein recently? I get extremely thirsty if I eat a lot of protein.